Chapter 1

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Author's note: Hey guys, B3ast and mendm18 here. This is going to be the first Chapter of our NovaHD collab, hope you guys enjoy it and we'll see you all at the end of the Chapter:)

"You need to do something good with your life James, something that will differentiate you from others," James grandfather said in his usual gruff voice trying to get his grandson's attention. James sat forward and frowned raising an eyebrow expecting him to explain what he said, "Kids in America these days can't let what they learned in high school stick in their mind for the future, especially languages and mathematics," He sighed, obviously disappointed.

James expected it to be the old timers cliched 'back in my day' speech, but something about his statement felt true in a way. He could relate to his words in a further sense despite that he didn't want to admit to himself that he can't remember anything from past school years,"I guess you're right in a way," James agreed dejectedly feeling the need to prove his elder wrong. His granddad watched him and nodded, leaning back in the antique chair and watching some channel that related to Golf.

Words conserved in his head about how James needed to do something, and how he would end up like every other moron in America with the same amount of knowledge, he inwardly decided he would make a change in his studies and a change in his judgments.


Sitting in the back of the usual chemistry class, James' thoughts would occasionally drift back to taking a language to get the 'full experience' as his mom would say. He talked with her last night about what his granddad said, and what he should do. Not only did it look good on applications she said, but he can freak his friends out with new tone of speech.

Deciding after class that he would walk down to the linguistics coordinator and sign up for one of the provided languages.The bell rang to declare the end of one block, and to warn the students to go to their next class. Students along with James grabbed their supplies and left the class as the teacher shouted out the homework for tomorrow's class.

James being the 'extraordinary' student he is ignored her and was the first to leave the classroom. 'I'll just ask Seamus later for the homework' he thought as he made his way down the stairs to the academics office.Walking through the foyer to reach the office he desired a yell broke his thought process,"James!" He turned around to see the tired blond jogging after him. Smiling at his friend he slowed down to walk with him.

"Where are you going?" Seamus asked as they both walked through the doors leading to a row of offices.

"I'm signing up for a language course," James replied looking over at him glancing for a reaction. His face brightened up, and he remembered that Seamus was taking Spanish.

"Did you know they added the pen pal system? I got a guy named Edwin I think he lives in Puerto Rico," Seamus said leading the way James following not to far behind. Listening to Seamus' words, he couldn't help but think it was exciting that he would make a friend from another country. James nodded taking Seamus' words into consideration."Let's get you signed up," Seamus insisted pushing open the needed door.

They walked in, inside sat the linguistics coordinator and her assistant, both of them sitting at their desks. They look up from their paperwork to smile at both of us.The linguistic coordinator looks at James, then at Seamus. Her smile widens as she recognizes Seamus, "Seamus, how are you and your new pen pal? I think his name is Edwin right? How is he?" she asks enthusiastically.

Seamus smiles, "We're doing good, we're making progress already, he's learning English quite easily, can't say the same about me learning Spanish though. That's going to take a little more time," Seamus explains, sighing at the fact that he's having a hard time.

"That's great," she chimed as she let her eyes travel to the other boy. "What can I do for you?" She asked leaning over her desk slightly propping her head on one of her hands.

"I'm interested in signing up for a language," James replied watching for her reaction, hearing the news her face lit up and she put her small hands together. She opened a drawer on the right side of her desk and pulled out a few papers.

Laying them out in a row she explained that there were multiple languages to take, and that James would also receive a pen pal. Despite this being the second year of taking a language, first year being a freshman taking French. Understanding what the women were saying he took the papers and said asking for a late pass since they both missed the first 15 minutes of the block.

Seamus watched him and quirked a brow, "What language are you thinking of taking?" He asked with curiosity, while wondering if his friend would be taking Spanish as well.

"I'm not sure, I might go for either Russian or Chinese," James responded, ascending down the corridor. James thought that these were very interesting languages and that he would take a giant step and meet someone new.


A few days later James finally decided that he would submit his language class application to the school office, concluding that Russian, one of the most minor learned languages at school, would be the most interesting to learn. James handed in his application at the linguistic coordinator's desk.

She took the paper and read it aloud, "Russian? Interesting, you're almost guaranteed to make it into this course, seeing as you have the motivation for it," she said, placing the application on top of the few other ones.

James was surprised at how few applications there were, guess nobody really cares about learning other languages. He then felt a rush of motivation to not be like the others, to be different and unique.

"So Mr. Wilson you will be assigned your foreign partner in a few weeks but you'll be starting Russian tomorrow. Since this is going to be your first year of learning Russian don't worry about not understanding each other, they'll already speak mediocre English," she assured organizing the paperwork on her neatly organized desk.

James thanked her silently, maybe the foreigner could assist him in his Russian homework,"Okay thank you," James added before walking out the doors while wondering who he would be paired Just the thought of meeting somebody new was exciting for James, but the fact that he's Russian is even more exciting to him.

Author's note: Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the first chapter of mendm18's and I's NovaHD collab:) If you did, please vote it up it'll mean a lot to the both of us, anyways we'll talk to you guys later, seeya

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