Chapter 3

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    "Good morning class, we have some exciting announcements for today," The teacher enthusiastically declared, hushing the students who were too loud and obnoxious. Since it was homeroom James didn't suspect a thing about the daily news, it seemed to be always the same thing.

    He just sat bored at his desk in the back of the room fiddling with his pen and drawing random doodles on his hands. "This program is starting just this year, wow!" she said to herself.

    "Well according to the linguistics wing of the school we will get an amazing opportunity this summer and school year to offer students to visit their foreign friend for 3 weeks," the teacher read from the sheet, automatically getting James' attention, looking up from his distraction.

    "Five students from each course will be selected and be able to travel abroad and then include their pal to come back here to America for a few weeks" she added, clearing her throat before continuing on, "The information is on this sheet at the administrative desk," the teacher ended, looking up at the class before continuing on with the normal news.

    James thought about the trip in his head, he was definitely not a straight A student, and if any teacher in the school saw him would think he was socially awkward from how reserved he was. He knew that even if he did try to enter his name, he would be at the end of the list.

    The bell rang, signaling the end of homeroom and the students rushed out quickly to get to their first class. James got up slowly and gathered his stuff and headed straight to the linguistic coordinator's office, he wanted to visit Aleks.

     He felt like he needed him to, despite the short time he's known him . Something about him made James look forward to school. When talking to Aleks, it didn't feel like he was just a 'pen pal', he felt like a good friend to James. His friend was a motivation to him.

    James reached their office quickly, slightly out of breath due to fitting the visit to the office in between his classes. He opened the door and walked in, the desk lady automatically looking up and smiling at James, "Hello, James," she smiled happily, "Did you need something?" she asked, looking back down to continue filling out papers she was working on.

    "What are the minimum requirements to get chosen to be on the Summer Exchange program?" James asked quickly watching as the women pulled out one of the drawers on her desk, pulling out a stack of papers.

    "Well you need to have decent GPA and at least a basic understanding of the language you are taking" She stated simply pulling a sheet out to hand to James. "Secondly you need to be able to afford the flight and basic touring payments while you are there."

    James made a checklist in his head, knowing he would probably have to save up to pay for everything and work hard to up his grading point average to seem reasonable to the course instructors. Nodding for the woman to go on as he could hear the tardy bell ring in the distance.

    "That should be all, now go on to your next class, you don't want to be late," she smiled. James nodded and thanked her, he walked out of the office and quickly ran to his next class, so he wouldn't be late.


    "So you'll come to Russia?" Aleks asked excitedly over the crappy laptop speaker.

    "I don't know just yet Aleks, i may not be able to pay for it and i don't have the grades for it," James replied sadly waiting for Aleks' reaction.

    James heard a sigh come through the other end, "These are things you can change with hard work," Aleks answered, cheekily grinning.

    James chuckled, "I know, I know," he shook his head and smiled, "Making that much money will be the hard part."

    "I can send money to help," Aleks offered, "I have a job and can send you money to help," he said excitedly.

    James smiled genuinely, "Thanks, but that's really too much to ask for" Aleks shook his head in disagreement, his smile dropping.

    "No, really, it'd be my pleasure, James. Anything to see you." he said, smiling into his facecam. James felt overjoyed that his newly found friend would go to such lengths to have him visit. He blushed at the statement, his heart picking up for a reason unknown to him.

    "We'll see," James answered, thinking over the whole situation and not really wanting to put Aleks through any trouble.

    "So what'd you learn in your studies today?" the Russian man asked, an intrigued smile on his face as James groaned at the question. It seemingly being something only family asked.

    "How not to get called on by the teacher," James hummed, recalling how he would keep his head down to his desk, or write and look concentrated on something nonexistent.

    Aleks chuckled at James' words, "Doesn't sound like you're learning too much, that's bad," he shook his head disapprovingly, a slight smile on his face. Though you could tell he was trying to hold it back.

    James scoffed knowing that half of his school did the same thing as him, or at least used the same tactic, "Aleksandr you know you do it too," he commented with a short laugh.

    "Unlike you, I listen to the instructor like a good student, James" his friend replied jokingly, the Russian moving a hand up to fix his hair.

    James watched Aleks ruffle through his hair, zoning out as he watched him. His pale hand going into his wavy, brown hair. It was dark in his room, knowing it must be nighttime since the time zones.

    James stayed in silence a few moments before letting out a sigh and looking at his clock . "Aleks when are you going to bed?"

    "I don't know, I'm usually a night owl," he answered, smiling and nodding.

    "Isn't it late for you?" James asked, concerned as to if he gets enough sleep.

    "Don't worry about it, it's worth staying up if I have you to talk to," he smiled, James groaning at the excuse, "I don't need too much sleep, I can always sleep at school," Aleks chuckled.

    "Good student my ass," James snickered, "I thought you paid attention in class?" he smirked, waiting for Aleks to respond .

    "Only in the important ones, I can sleep through history or something if I wanted to, or even during lunch break." the Russian answered a yawn coming out of the others mouth as he saw his friend stretch.

    "Go to sleep now so you dont have to sleep in class," James persisted, his homework in his mind as he kept his attention to the screen.

    "Yes, I will do that," Aleks answered, another yawn escaping his mouth, "I'll talk to you later James."

    "Goodnight," James said as he waited for Aleks to end the call and gave one last smirk to his foreign friend.

Author's note: HEY, WE'RE SORRY. We've been lazy shits, and we apologize. We'll try to be more active with updates from now on, we promise. We hope you enjoy this chapter and we'll see you guys soon. ~Seeya

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