Chapter 4

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James took up a job at a nearby sports bar, it being not too far from his house so he could definitely walk instead of wasting gas and in another case not waste cash. It was two months before the actual Spanish exchange and he knew he would spend his Fridays and his weekends working his ass off to achieve his goal.

The bar was usually packed with middle aged men and women watching their fantasy football teams who also seemingly tipped well while spending their nights there. This helping him out greatly  financially for the trip and for basic needs. This Job keeping him busy when he had extra time. 


Walking through the grass next to two lane roads, he just got out of work. His mind and his limbs were tired and aching from the amount of people he had to tend to, it was filled with families and beings of all sorts that managed to give him a headache in a matter of minutes.

The cool air on his skin sent shivers up his spine as he walked home. The sun going down and the sky shaping a beautiful scene despite being freaked out on this road because there was no shoulder to walk on. The branches from would hang over like a roof that made it noticeably darker than it really was and the leaves falling in this season made it look like something from a movie.

He was interrupted from his thoughts about the nature around him with a buzz in his pocket and instantly pulled his phone out. Not diverting any attention away from where he was walking so he wouldn't get hit. The contact on the screen reading 'Aleksandr' and James couldn't help but blush and think about the other. Waiting a few seconds so his phone could ring,  mentally preparing himself.

"Hi Aleks," James said with a small smile, looking at the ground with rosy cheeks. Not even understanding why he was acting like this.

"Hello James," Aleks' deep accented voice replied back. The way the other saying his name sending goosebumps up his arms. "How are you?"

"I'm doing good, just walking home, and you?" He asked, his neighborhood nearing on the right. 

"Well I'm sitting outside and you crossed my mind," he answered comfortably. That making something flutter in his stomach.

"Why are you up so late?" James questioned knowing it was at least seven hours ahead in Moscow.

"Woke up in the night, couldn't sleep" Aleks muttered. "And decided to have a drink," James wondering if it was liquor he spoke of since legal age to drink was 18 there.

"Oh?" James hummed, rubbing his arms from the chills.

"It's very quiet at this hour," the other said lowly. "Everyone is asleep and it's odd."

"You sound like a serial killer," James stated jokingly at the sudden deep sounding other, smirking as he walked up his driveway.

"Killer?" Aleks gasped in a tired voice, sounding sincere and hurt for a second. "You're right and I am coming for you."

"Yeah? Well I'll pick you up from the airport in two days just so you can stab me," James said getting his garage door open and realizing neither of his parents were home.

"Great, thank you!" Aleks cheered bringing a smile to James' face.


"I'm probably going to go to sleep again," Aleks said, a yawn coming through the receiver.

"Okay," James replied, laying comfortably in his bed as he listened to Aleks with his eyes closed.

"Farewell James," Aleks purred from the other end as James smiled happily and said it back with a pleasing unknown feeling running through his body.

The call dropped and James set his phone on his bedside table to charge and set his alarm for work tomorrow. He honestly didn't want to go to work the next day, he wanted to stay and talk with Aleks for the day. The other made him feel some type of weird way. An unknown warmth would run through him and he felt fuzzy and happy. It was safe to say they were pretty close friends by now, if you could even call it that or it could be the sleep talking.


Once home from school from the long ass Monday he tackled his bed, the stress from his last class and everything that was happening in his life weighing down . His loving parents working too hard to notice the stress and the bad vibes emanating from their boy's room.

He had to finish his homework in Russian, Chemistry and AP Government the work load was larger than normal and he wondered if that was the world's way of testing him in the game of patience.

He got himself a snack before setting out all his stuff on his desk to work on. Getting out his computer for a translator, which was considered cheating, not caring however, he started on Russian translations.

Later realizing it wasn't working at all one bit, the words that were spitting out of the translator did not make any sense. He didn't recall what they even meant.

He could just open up his Russian book that resided in his backpack but that would be too much effort right? So James whipping out his phone and calling up Aleks, although knowing it was probably 10:00 pm there and his friend was most likely asleep.

"What do you need?" A voice rang through, James smiling and glad he was awake.

"Hey Aleks, I was wondering if you could help me with my Russian translations," James asked, hoping the other would help him out.

There was a pause and James thought the other had hung up. "Bad boy," Aleks finally said, "Wanting to use me to complete your homework huh?"

James didn't know if Aleks was sincerely angry of joking, "Uh, I mean you don't have to, I just kinda wanted to talk to you... And had homework in Russian as well," he stammered out.

"I was kidding"  Aleks said with a chuckle, obviously noticing the others awkwardness. "ask away"


James managed to get help and answers on the whole packet, Aleks also assisting him with better pronunciation of each of the words, the "study session" probably lasting a good 2 hours.

"Thank you, Aleks, it means a lot," James said, not really wanting to hang up so soon.

"Not a problem," he replied. "Anything else you need help with?"

"I don't think you want to help me with AP Government or Chemistry homework," James said not even wanting to do the homework himself, so Aleks probably wouldn't either.

"Yeah I would most likely give you the wrong answers," Aleks said softly.

"Wouldn't want that," James hummed awkwardly, tapping his pencil against his lips.

"Well I'm going to try to get to bed early James, its already 12 here" The Russian said, not wanting his buddy to hang up just wanting to stay and talk.

"Okay, promise to talk tomorrow?" James asked tapping his pencil and looking at the words on the paper.

"Of course" Aleks mused, a tired sigh coming from the other as James said a quick goodnight and ended the call. Wondering why this clingy feeling hung onto him when he talked to Aleks. Wishing and dreaming that they both lived in the same place and physically hang out with each other, knowing it would be like that soon. 

  •••  So many skips in this story :o. This is so mediocre, I'm so sorry to update you with something that's not very good from a long wait. But i hope you had a good day! -mia •••      

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2015 ⏰

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