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Lloyd and I stand above the set as the boys start to do Spinjitzu and 'fighting' the 'skeletons.' "Tell, me again, why we're doing this?"

"It's to help Dareth and get people to read."

"But we should be more worried about patrolling and protecting people."

"The crime rate is at an all-time low because of us, helping encourage people to read isn't going to make a problem."

"Oh yeah, other than having fans," I cross my arms, then 'Samukai' crashes through the wall and charges at the boys. I roll my eyes, and we jump down, using our powers to make a green and yellow light and land. I use my powers to kick 'Samukai' back, as Lloyd uses his to punch him.

"Do you guys have the golden scroll?" Kai asked in a projective voice as I tried not to roll my eyes.

"We sure do, Kai!" I said in the best projective voice.

"But we don't know what it's says. Can anyone help us read it?" Lloyd projects while holding the 'golden scroll.'

"And...Cut! Brilliance plus perfection! Clean up, little fellas, and make some headway here. That's a wrap!" Dareth said. The boys and I start to walk over to Dareth as Nya comes up.

"A wrap? I just got here. Dareth said-"Nya says but gets cut off.

"Hey, hey! There's my boys and girl! I knew you could do Spinjitzu, but that acting knocked me out," I rolled my eyes at Dareth.

"That was the worst acting ever," I sighed.

"Oh, hey, sweetheart. Mind sticking around for a segment to teach girls how to apply makeup?" Dareth asked Nya. My eyes widened, already knowing what was about to happen.

"You're gonna need makeup when I rearrange your face!" Nya says about to punch Dareth, but Jay holds her back.

"Easy! Nya is one of us now, there's no reason she should be treated differently," Jay said.

"No reason? You added another girl to the group. You know how much that hurts your image? You're a boy band, a hunk machine and a semi-inspiring girl."

"Semi?!" I glared daggers as Lloyd held me back.

"No. We're equals. Our power comes from no one being more important than the other," Lloyd said, still holding me.

"Important? No. Irresistible...uh, debatable," Kai winks at the fangirls in the doorway, making them scream and attempt to run at him, but luckily the guards keep them back.

"Oh my gosh, it is him!" a girl yells out as I facepalm.

"I don't tell you how to do your business, don't tell me how to do mine. Remember how every time you saved Ninjago, no one cared? Well, now Dareth's in charge, and Dareth says don't change the recipe. You guys are the face of the franchise, and now the face of Teen Idol!" Dareth then shows us a magazine with Lloyd and me back to back and Jay and Cole next to a heart with Nya.

"Sensei Lloyd and Y/n? But we're only Senseis in training," Lloyd said. I looked at some other font next to our picture.

"Lloyd and Y/n secret lovers, what the hell?! We're just best friends!" I exclaimed.

"And what's this about me and Jay still fighting over Nya? That's old news," Cole said.

"Who cares whether it's real or not? Isn't this what you've always dreamed of? You're the hottest thing in Ninjago!" Dareth said as I looked at Lloyd and shook my head. We all left running around town through back allies; at one point, Lloyd pulled me into a phone booth, which I'm surprised was even here since we have cell phones now. Lloyd and I stand backstage as we watch the talk show host talk to Nya, Cole, and Jay.

Sliver Heart (Lloyd x Reader) [6]Where stories live. Discover now