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~ the second ride~
I was walking and staring I Front of me when I saw a grungy old small blue and white truck pull up beside me. The man slowly rolled down the tinted window. As the young man rolled down the widow revealing his face, just then I realize it was Ian. "Oh hey dahlia, right?" He questioned "hey Ian " I muttered shyly and embarrassed that her saw me like this. Soaking wet. "Hop in" he said shaking his head slightly, so I did what he said and hopped in. His truck had black leather seats and a really cool radio. As he started driving all I did was stair out the window staring at nothing to be exact just the side of the road I geuss. "So why were you walking in the rain anyway" he question.
"Well my car kinda broke down" I chuckled hanging my head down.
"Oh" he said with a laugh. The rest of the ride was pretty much quiet except for wen I told him were I lived. 3094 3rd avenue west. I was just about to hop out of the old grungy truck, but he stopped me. "Here's my number, I mean if you ever need another ride" she said bitting his lip. "Damn he is sexy" I said to myself bitting my lip like Ian. I grabbed the peace of paper and walk away saying "bye" before closing the door. I opened the door to my house waving good-bye before closing it again. "I'm home" I kinda yell once I walk in the door. No answer I guess no one is home. I walk upstairs to my room and set my back pack on the floor beside the door. I laid down on my bed staring at the sealing. "Did Ian actually give me his number, wow" I whisper to my self looking at the piece of paper with smudged pen on it. (306) 631 1940 I read out loud to myself, no one was home anyway. Bing bing, all of a sudden my phone went off making me lose my train of thought. It was Brittany,'hey do you wanna hang at the mall for a little bit' Brittany texted me. 'I don't have a ride sor' I was about to text but then I realized, 'Ian said for me to text him when I need a ride, right?' I said to myself with a smirk on my face. I clicked 'new message' on my messaging app on my phone and typed in Ian's number (306) 631 1940. I add Ian to my contacts. 'Hey I need a ride to the mall if your free ;)' I texted and set my phone back down on my end table. about 1 minute later he texted back 'ya sure I'll pick you up in 10 min, ok'. 'Sounds good see you then' I replied. I went into the bathroom to touch up my makeup. I just left on what I wore to school because really it was fine. Witch that took me about 5 minutes. I decided to text Brittany telling her I'm coming. 'Ya sure I'll be there in 15-20 minutes'. She texted back right away 'KK see you there ;)'. Next thing I know the door bell rang. I headed done to the door knowing it was Ian. "Hey" I said opening the door "I see you remembered where I lived" I continued.
"I see you kept my number and actually used it" Ian said with a smirk on his face. Oh how I loved that Sexy smirk. "Well my car is still broken" I said as my continued to walk to the car. As we got into the car it was quiet Ian broke that quietness as he started driving. "So who are you going to the mall with" Ian asked
"Brittany, why" I questioned suspiciously
"Well I don't want you going by yourself there's a lot of creepy perverts out there you never know right" I love it when Ian jokes around. I laughed at his comment. I pick my purse up off the floor of the truck as we parked at the curb. "Thanks again for the ride" I said with a bright smile. "No problem just text me if you need a ride home" he said with a Big smirk on this face. I really want the third ride with him.

< hey guys I tried to make this chapter long, dahlia and Ian are really hitting it off. Vote, comment, and share!!! >

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