Once Upon a Dream

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Hiya my angels, this will be a twistttt


"Y/n?? Wake up! Please!", Funtime Foxy held the young womans body in his arms hoping on an answer. You opened your eyes slowly. 

"What, w-where am I?", you asked quietly. 

"In the pizzeria, you passed out right in front of my door.", Funtime Foxy replied. 

"Wait, is f/n alive? And her boyfriend?", you then asked and tried sitting up, but Funtime Foxy held you too close. 

"You mean the people over there at the table? If everything is alright, they are alive.", he replied and pointed at f/n and her boyfriend. 

"So it was all a dream...", you whispered. "Wait, so we didn't kiss?", you then asked. 

"No y/n, we didn't. Why do you want to?", he asked with a smirk on his face. 

You blushed and said: "No no, it's just that uhm... I dreamt that." You looked at him embarassed, but he just laughed at it and said: "Ha, I always knew I would kiss someone someday, even if it is just in a dream!" 

You laughed and tried sitting up once more, this time he let you go and apologized. He helped you get up and took you to his stage. "Go sit here and rest a bit, that was a painful fall.", he said and patted your head. You did exactly as he said and saw him approach f/n and Damian.


- y/n's pov -

As glad as I am that it was all just a dream, I couldn't help but feel sad about it. He told me he loves me! He kissed me! And it was all fake. I should've known it isn't real, I am not that confident in real life. 

As I was in deep thoughts I saw Foxy approach me with a slice of pizza. "I secretly stole this from them, please eat it. I think that might be what you need.", he said and gave me a slice of pepperoni pizza. I thanked him and he sat next to me.

"Can you tell me more about your dream?", he asked. My eyes widened, oh my, does he really want to know? I sighed and told him the full story.

"That girl over there is my ex friend, in my dream they insulted me, so you but them and then took them to the scooping room. You told me you loved me and I kissed you. You later on kissed me back." 

"Wow, that is quite an intense dream.", he whispered and looked me right in my eyes. "You know, I really love you. You're the best.", he then said and stroked my hair.

"I-I love you too, Foxy.", I quietly said and just enjoyed him stroking my hair. 


- Funtime Foxy's pov -

Damn it, I thought she'd kiss me if I told her I love her. Now I gotta do it, but I am scared. Sure she is a great friend and I truly love her, but a kiss is not something you give to a friend. I tried to prepare myself for it, but my guests called me over. They asked if I can give them a show. That being, of course, my greatest talent. I had no other choice, but to show them my marvelous tricks and voice. They clapped and laughed. They even left a tip for me, not that I need it, but I love getting them. They left my room and it was just me and her. 

"Oh, it is time for our nightshift!", she said. I sighed and walked to the office with her, why can nothing ever go right for me?


- no one's pov -

This night was a bit easier. Ballora took a day off alongside her minireena's. This made it easier to make it through the night, but Funtime Freddy was very active this time. 

you're mine - (male!) Funtime Foxy x readerWhere stories live. Discover now