My Cupcake

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Heya guys Luna here ! So I have a week off, meaning that I will update this story a little more often. Also I really like this story and I am so full of ideas. So besides GR Chica x male reader, have you guys got any more suggestions for a story? Please let me know! Also still not doing NSFW, it might be my asexual head, but I do not feel comfortable writing that. Unless you pay me 200 euros, jk jk.... unless.

Also my birthday is next Sunday, so maybe I can do a birthday chapter? What do you think of that? Let me know!


February 25th 

Saturday, the day everyone loves. Including you, but today you love Saturday even more. You woke up this morning at 10pm and made yourself cereal. You got your daily cup of tea and took a shower. You washed your hair with extra expensive shampoo today, it smells great. You put on a pink blazer with a simple shirt underneath. The shirt had Mickey and Minnie Mouse printed on it. You also wore white flared jeans, with black boots. ( This is the outfit I wore today, feel free to imagine anything else. ) You put on a bit of makeup, pink eyeshadow, to match with your blazer and you put on a bit of a mascara and filled in your eyebrows. You choose your favorite necklace that you got from an old friend. You sprayed some Miss Dior on your wrist and neck to smell extra good. You never did this before, you don't know why you did it. 

Once you were finished you headed downstairs and nearly tripped over your ragdoll Chica. "Ah damnit Chica, why are you the same color as our stairs?", you said and checked up on your grey cat. Chica ran away and started purring on a pillow. 'Such a strange creature.', you thought. As you walked into the living room you saw your dad reading a newspaper. "Hey kid.", he said, "That place you work at, there's rumors of murder there." He showed you an article about Circus Baby probably killing the owners daughter three years ago. Your eyes widened, this can't be real right? Then again, you never talked to Baby, she is huge. "I don't know dad, it's been three years if it was true I am sure they would've said so earlier.", you replied. "Whatever you say kid.", your dad said and he walked into the kitchen, while still reading his newspaper. "No way, they cancelled the fourth season of The Immortal and The Restless, how could they?", he yelled. You laughed and sat down at the couch staring to the wall. Our wall is the same color as Funtime Foxy.', you thought. 'Girl what the fuck. It's a white wall.' Your voices were arguing again and you sighed and lied down on the couch. Your mom walked in still wearing her pajamas and sat next to you. "Are you still tired? You woke up later than both of us!", she said a bit worried. "Oh no, I am fine. I am not tired, mom.", you replied. Your mom looked at you confused and asked: "Then why are you lying here and sighing like it's the end of the world?" You sat up and said: "I don't know I am fine. I'm going to take a walk." "Have fun, dear.", your mom said. You put on our black boots and beige coat. The truth is, you were going to see Funtime Fo- No you are going to visit the place you work at.

For Funtime Foxy.


As you arrived you wondered why a pizzeria is open at 1pm and who eats pizza at that time. You shrugged and walked in. It smelled so good. You were starting to get used to the screaming kids. Without noticing you walked straight to Funtime Auditorium. Nobody's there. You walked inside, still deeply in thoughts. "Hello Cupcake!", you heard. Your eyes widened and you jumped. "Oh my, I am so deeply sorry, I did not mean to scare you.", a loud voice said. You looked around the room to see where it came from, just to make eye contact with the one and the only Funtime Foxy. You sighed of relief and said: "No, I am sorry. I shouldn't be so deeply in thoughts the whole time." He stroked his hand through your hair and said: "Oh it's fine my Cupcake. What brings you here. You're not working until 8?" You hoped he'd never stop stroking your hair. Meanwhile you replied with: "I was bored and I wondered who would eat pizza at 1pm, so I came by to visit." He let go of you and you felt sad. "I eat pizza at 1pm.", he sad sadly. "Oh no, I didn't mean to upset you! I was just genuinely wondering.", you said feeling very guilty. He looked at you and his pupils got bigger. If he was a human he probably would've cried. "Ah, no I feel really bad. I'm so sorry.", you said and teared up. "Hey take it easy Cupcake. I'm just messing with you!", he said. You looked at him angrily with your arms crossed. He looked at you scared and quietly said: "I really do eat pizza at 1pm though..." You couldn't help but smile and said: "Then why don't we get some? Nobody is here anyways." He nodded ad grabbed your hand. "I have my own pizza oven! Most people visit me on Friday as I special show then, but apart from that I am always alone, but the oven never leaves me." You felt so bad, yesterday was such a fun day and you could see that he truly enjoyed it. He led you to the back of his stage just to say: "Oh no, my oven broke.... now I'm alone." You held his face with your hand and whispered: "You are not alone, I am here." "But you aren't always here.", he whispered back while holding your hand. "I have a week off, I can come everyday if you want me to.", you replied and you two made eye contact for a good five seconds, then he said: "I would love that, y/n." He broke eye contact and then said: "We can make cupcakes!" "I would love that!", you replied with a big smile. He led you into an abandoned kitchen and said: "This is the old kitchen, we used it everyday until.... an accident happened. Now it belongs to me. Well, it actually doesn't but I like to pretend that it does.", he said. You wondered what the accident was, is your father right about the murder? You quickly brushed off any bad thoughts. Right now you are going to make cupcakes and nothing will ruin the mood. 


- time skip -

12 cupcakes, 6 being pink and 6 being white. Foxy even wrote a tiny letter for it.

'For my Cupcake. Thank you for being here.'

He gave them to you and said: "I had fun today y/n. I hope I will see you soon." You nodded and said: "You will, tonight!" He looked you right in your eyes and said: "Tonight you work at Baby's as no one will be here." You looked at him sadly and said: "But I wanna see you!" "You will, just not then.", he replied and he started stroking your hair again. Secretly he knew you liked that. You both sat on his stage for around fifteen minutes when suddenly William walked in. "Oh my, y/n I wasn't expecting you here! I have a question for you, actually it's more of an order. Our night guard called in sick. I need you to switch shifts and do the night shift." You stared at him in shock for around 30 seconds. "B-but I only just started working here! I don't know how any of the stuff works here!" "I am sorry y/n, but you have no other choice.", he replied. "I can help her, I can stay in the office with her.", Foxy said. "Great idea big boy, you can do that.", William replied and he patted Foxy's head and booped his nose. Somehow that made him sneeze. "Sorry fella.", William said and Foxy simply laughed and said: "Apology accepted." William left the room wondering why the hell y/n was here and why Foxy was stroking her hair. He usually tries to kill the new workers, why does he want to help this one? "Seems like you will see me all night!", Foxy said excitedly. You sighed and said: "True and I am grateful, but I am scared. I don't like it to be awake at night." He rested his head on yours and said: "Do not worry my Cupcake. I will protect you."

I WILL protect you.


Sorry for the short chapter, my arm hurts from working all day! Also this was honestly inspired by the YouTube videos called, Friendly Foxy. I loved those so much. 

Also in a few chapters more will happen between you two, I just want to wait a bit longer as I think I was too quick in the GR Chica story. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I will see you all later! Goodnight.

Lots of love,

Luna <3

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