Chapter 17

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Kaia looks apologetic, but then not so much. She can't really ban the smile from her face when she hops inside my car.


"So, I guess I'm going to kill you," I say.

"What? No June, why this again," Kaia pouts, "I only did it for you. Matthew agreed too. And Carlos said it's a genius idea!"

"I don't see how Carlos approving means it's a good idea," I say, "And not the total opposite. Also, why are you pulling all these kind of things in our senior year, Kai? I thought we would like chill and improve our resumes a bit. Not fake date to get back at our exes."

Except I'm already kind of excited about it. Still, I don't mind Kaia being distressed about the apparent mess she caused, because things could have played out really really different if Matthew didn't agree on the fake dating (awkward silence whenever we meet, crickets chirping in background) or my sudden improvising talent didn't come through (awkward silence in front of all of Matthew's friends, Logan laughing his ass off in the background).

Kaia watches me with wide eyes and real concern while I'm changing my shoes.

"I really only did it to support you," she says, "I mean ok, it didn't work, sorry for making things awkward. I just thought Logan deserves a little payback ..."

I raise an eyebrow and can't really suppress the grin on my face.

"Who said it didn't work?"

"What?" Kaia's jaw drops, "Did you – and Matthew – and Logan – did he–?"

"Well, Matthew's a really good actor, and I'm a genius at improvising I guess," I say and shrug casually, "Logan was pretty shocked."

Kaia's squealing so loud I fear of permanent hearing damage. She's jumping on her seat, and squeezes both of my hands in excitement.

"I knew it!" she screams and shakes my hands, "This is awesome June! Tell me everything, oh my god, everything, what did Matthew do, how did Logan react, oh my god I can't believe it."

I smile and shake my head, freeing my hands of her grip and starting the car.

"I was really surprised," I tell her, "Carlos sent me to get Matthew at his practice – thanks for involving him by the way – and Logan came to watch. Or something. I think maybe Carlos sent him too?"

Kaia only giggles in her seat. "Go on."

"So I walk into Matthew's practice like an idiot to come and tell him whatever, and he suddenly goes all 'hello my girlfriend!' and throws his arm around me. And kissed me. In front of everyone."

Kaia looks like she's close to imploding.

"Oh my god. I knew Matthew was perfect for it, but this – I promise, I didn't tell him to kiss you."

I roll my eyes. "I sure hope so."

I don't want to imagine Matthew and Kaia talking about him fake dating me, and I seriously don't want to imagine him considering whether he should kiss me

"So, Logan was really shocked. I think he almost died. He didn't even recover when we came back to the club room, Carlos asked if he was constipated."

"Oh, why did I miss this," Kaia's beaming brightly and claps her hands, "I can't wait for what's next, Logan losing his shit while you two hold hands, Logan exploding while you two hug, Logan getting a stroke while Matthew declares his undying love right in front of him –"

I give her a look. "Let's keep it realistic, why don't we."

Kaia shakes her head and her long curls fly everywhere.

"This," she declares and places a hand over her chest, "Is the coolest thing you've ever done, June. I can feel it. This is your time to shine."

Her excitement is contagious. I'm still not fully convinced with the whole plan, but I also start to think trying this whole fake dating thing for a while can't hurt. I can still stop it if it goes too far, right?

Back home, I'm watching the cooking channel with my mum and my mind wanders. Mostly, to Matthew and the fact he agreed to fake date me so easily. I still don't know why. He laughed about the idea of us dating just this Saturday, and now this? It doesn't make sense. I wonder if Kaia did secretly bribe him with money, and I sincerely hope that's not the case. Maybe Matthew is just really, really nice, and open-minded for a whole lot of crazy stuff. I decide to wait, and maybe be a little excited for what's about to come. 

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