U.A entrance exam

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young frodoriya! are you ready for the entrance exam? AAAAAAHHHH what are you doing in my house!? Well I heard you have no father figure! Plus your mom Is HOT! Wha? Wait are you flurting with my mom? Young frodoriya! Im your dad Know! WHAt WHAT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO frodoriya Woke up scared coonfused and afraid HAHAHAHAHA all black said at the front of frodoriyas bed was All black..... Young frodoriya it was a prank! Get over it! but it felt so real! and uncomtorable You didnt know frodoriya? one for all Users can visit eachothers dream But if there for too long they can be in A coma For a day! Unless your dead that is... All black do you have a- TODAY YOUNG FRODORIYA is the day you are determined To go to UA Oh yeah I kinda got the hang of it- HAHAHAHA you only just scratched the surface Ever wondred how many licks it takes to get into those tootie poops? um  think it- ALOT young frodoriya this is just the start now you need me to walk you to UA? wha- NO! HAHAHA just joking  your a grown man! now hurry up before you get late! as midoriya started propelling himself using the powers quirkless people were gifted with using his fingers to get some points  a fast sleeked hair boy ran pass everyone he was the one Frodoriya almost fought with him after they arugued a few times everyone else started running also Frodoriya was about to awaken his quirk to run too intill he saw something it was a girl she was under the rubble! oh my gosh is this how i die!? my hair is soo nappy! I'll look bummy at my funeral! Someone help! HELP! Frodoriya knew no one else was gonna help he remembered her she helped him when we was about to fall Oh shoot whats this feeling! im having the feeling again! Never leave anyone behind! Frodoriya awakens his quirk and jumps up to the zero pointer SSSSMMMAAAASSSHHH!! Frodoriya looks at his arm its darker and stings a little but not broken wait im falling! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH frodoriya shut his eyes very tight and was caught in the air? it was that girl under the rubble she had saved him This makes us even now Whats your name? Oh My name is Nizuku frodoriya! Yours? Ochacho Nuraka! (i porpously did not addthe extra r and a btw And other first name I thought of sounded weird so i stuck with a extra letter original) the timer buzzed with Rapping Mic yelling out yooooooo! Blaizawa! take a look at that! the time is OOVVVEEERRRR!!!! Bruh why are you so Extra? Come on Blaizawa Atleast crack a smile! You know the Intercom is still on right? Wait what- 

Back with frodoriya 

Its no problem ma'am Im glad I could help! you need me to walk you home? wha- No! As Nuraka slaps the boys face ow Frodoriya said Rubbing his face a little Thats kinda weird dont you think? besides my dad wouldn't really like it if a Boy like you was near our house before frodoriya could say another word She pulled out her phone and asked for his number Frodoriya was actually flattered after the number exstange the two walked home 

um why is it so dark in here? wait a minute why do I here laughter? wait its... All black!?

oh no oh no oh no THIS CANT BE HAPPENING!? as Frodoriya ran to his mom's room he heard a bunch of movements intill opening the door

ALL! black? Oh hey young frodoriya um what are you doing U.A entrance exam dosent end till like three o clock! it is three all black And why are you wearing woman clothes? Mom? that suit looks too big for you why are you guys wearing eachothers clothes!? OH uh Oklahoma! Kamo!? dont do that! your gonna break the room! dont worry Miss Frodoriya! Im consetrating! SSSMMMAASSHHH!!!! in a colorful blur pushing frodoriya back a bit there clothes were all On correctly Wow all black thats soo cool! How did you do that! practice makes perfect young frodoriya! oh thats cool wait who did you practice with- Oh wow Frodoriya Look its bed time! mom im like 16 And I just came home from school- Do as your said young frodoriya! as frodoriya was slided to his room and tucked in bed he was about to sleep intill Wait why was All black and my mom Sitting there anyways!?

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