Matt Mercer: Blow up

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*Slight warning: talks about insecurities and slight depression which may be triggering to some people. So if it does for you, please feel free to skip. *

Imagine blowing up in front of Matt about your insecurities

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Imagine blowing up in front of Matt about your insecurities.

(Your PoV)

You were laying on your couch, scrolling through Instagram. The screen reflected girls and women who had slim bodies and perfect hair, everything you wanted for yourself. You scrolled to a picture of a young girl who was almost wearing the same outfit as you: a t-shirt and shorts. You moved your phone to look at yourself. A soft sigh escaped your lips as you go back to scrolling.

"Hey, sweetie." Your heard Matt, your boyfriend, come into the room.

You didn't reply. You let out Another sigh.

"(Y/N), what's wrong?"

"Nothing." Your grumbled.

"I can tell something's wrong." Matt persisted.

"Nothing's wrong." You said again, your anger slowly rising.

"(Y/N), some-"

"You wanna know what's wrong, Matt?!?!" You exploded off of the couch. "What's wrong is that there are perfect girls out there, with perfect hair, perfect bodies, who look good in everything and then there's me! I'm ugly and fat and have to try so hard to look good but no matter what I do nothing works because I'm not perfect!"

You were breathing a little heaving when you finished. You looked up at Matt's face. His moth was slightly open, and all he did was blinka couple of times. You felt tears well up in your eyes and you fell back to the couch, face in your hands as the tears started falling.

Suddenly, you felt Matt's arms wrap around you. You leaned into his embrace and nestled your face in his chest.

"You're more beautiful than any of those girls." Matt whispered. "You're perfect to me."

You sniffled. "You're just saying that."

"Sweetie, I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it. I wouldn't tell you anything about you that wasn't true."

You wiped your eyes then looked up at Matt. "Promise?"

Matt smiled then leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss to your forehead. "I promise."

You smiled then leaned gou head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry for yelling."

You felt Matt rest his head on yours. "It's okay." He then lifted his head up and glanced down at you. "Can I take you out tonight?"

"Why?" You asked.

"Because I wanna show my perfect and beautiful girl off."

You let out a small laugh and smiled. "Only if I get to show how lucky I am to have you off."

Matt smiled and playfully stuck out his hand which you shook. "Deal."

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2022 ⏰

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