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[[you guys welcomed Emma with too many happy vibes... you're going to regret that later]]


After a while the machine tracking y/n's heart beat picks up a and it makes me concerned, I slightly sit up and watch y/n as she sleeps. The heart monitor picks up a little more and y/n shifts in bed "baby, are you ok?" I whisper to her "please" she whispers in her sleep "baby, wake up" I raise my voice and shake her a little bit, she slowly opens her eyes and looks at me "are you ok? The monitors showed your heart rate picked up" I say, she looks at the screen and then opens the gown to reveal her perfect breasts sitting there, she rips the patches off and then closes the gown again "it was a sex dream, I was about-", "y/n everything ok in here?" The doctor asks from the door "yes ma'am, I was just having a nightmare" y/n lies, the doctor nods and the closes the door behind her. "As I was saying, I was having a very exciting sex dream" y/n finishes her sentence. I just laugh and go back to laying on her

—— S M U T - W A R N I N G ——

"I don't blame you, it's been a while" I whisper as I slide my hand under the gown and begin to massage her breast. Her posture stiffens and her breathing hitches at the contact, "please let's not do something we aren't going to finish" y/n says as she places her hand over mine "who said you won't finish?" I ask in a low voice, y/n looks down at me. Lust filled eyes, she lifts me up and places me on her lap so I'm in a position of straddling her. "Keep it down" she says, her hand slides under my dress and into my panties "you- you wasted no time" I manage to spit out, y/n smiles and uses her free hand to sit herself up and pull me closer to her. Causing more friction "fuck" I whisper in her ear. She adds a third finger and my head flies back and I begin to move my hips to the rhythm of her fingers, my moans begin to get louder so she slows down. I look back at her and she has the biggest smirk "stop playing games" I whisper yell at her "hey y/n is Adele in here?" I hear Laura ask, she enters the room and her eyes scan me and y/n in the position we are in "I'm going to guard the door" she winks. I watch as she steps out and then I go back to looking at y/n, I go and whisper in her ear. The things I said definitely contributed to the next 10 minutes "I- oh god y/n I'm so close" I moan loudly, once again y/n slows down and I'm left suffering "just fuck me" I yell at y/n as I begin to move my hips trying to get any sort of friction. "You need to shut up, Shut up or I'll completely stop" y/n says in a low raspy voice, I almost moan at the tone of her voice. I had never seen this side of her, I nod in agreement and she goes back to pumping her fingers in and out of me "holy fucking shit" I whisper before Biting down on her neck trying to muffle the moans threatening to escape. My legs begin to shake and I shut my eyes closed "not yet" y/n demands, I open my eyes and look at her. Trying to focus on not moaning loudly "please" I beg as my legs now shake out of control, y/n nods and covers my mouth as I let out a loud moan "holy fuck" I say as I ride out my high, y/n kisses my neck I'm pretty sure she leaves hickeys here and there. My body comes to a stop and I climb off her and fix my dress and panties

—— E N D - O F - S M U T ——

"doctors incoming" Laura says as she enters the room with her eyes covered "You can uncover your eyes, we're done" I chuckle as I sit on the chair beside y/n bed "y/n? I have your discharge papers" the doctor knocks on the door and enters the room "you're free to go home tomorrow at noon and before you ask, yes sex is allowed. Your wounds have had time heal, next time though don't do it in a hospital at Max volume" the doctor says before she steps out of the room "I told you love, you aren't the quietest person" y/n jokes "no don't start, I've been scarred enough. I'm so happy this time no parts were visible" Laura jokes. Y/n and her laugh while I sit there mad at both of them "Laura you walked in on me masturbating on you didn't care! You said you can finish later We're going out" I say, let's looks at me and we laugh. Up until 12am Laura stayed and we caught up with each other, we laughed and then she left because her husband was mad she had stayed out so late "Thank you for visiting" y/n says as Laura hugs her "thank you for giving my best friend orgasms" Laura says, I bust out laughing "it's my pleasure"

"It's actually my pleasure" I chuckle, We all once again burst out laughing

- 2am   -

"Go to sleeppp" I whisper to y/n who's still playing with my hair "I just want to hold you" y/n responds, she kisses my forehead and continues to play with my hair.

Simon wasn't like this, he didn't hold me and tell me that's all he wanted to do. All he asked for was sex and then he'd roll over to his side of the bed and fall asleep. He didn't give me any orgasms either but y/n changed that you know? I just giggle as I think about that

"What funny?" She asks me as she looks down at me, her leg now entangled with mine "I hope this is in no way disrespectful to you or our relationship, but my god!! I was just thinking about how you have given me more orgasms in the last 6 months than Simon ever did in 2 months" y/n just burst out laughing. A laugh that just makes me wish I could hear often, something bout her laugh is just so intoxicating. "That's good to know, I'm just so thankful I have no dick because I'm afraid of how many pregnancy scares or even kids we would have by now" she laughs again but this statement.. I let it get to me "you don't want any more kids?" I ask her, she looks at me. Softens her gaze and then speaks up "I would love more kids, but right now I would just love to figure out what I'm going to do as a profession and my children I have now" she smiles

[[I feel like my writing is getting sloppy :/ but if you enjoy this and you're still reading... thank you 💗]]

Word count: 1227

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