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[[ before you do get started reading I wanted to let you know this book will indeed be 40+ chapters because I don't want to have a million books on one story. Does that sound alright or should I do a million books? ]]


"Adele and I, our communication isn't great. We argue over small things and when we do have a bigger fight we use sex to avoid it or we just apologize and move on. And when our relationship was at its early days she cheated on me, I managed to let it go at the time but a few days ago... she told me she was going out with Laura but later in the day Laura came over. She took pizza for the kids. She came home at 4 am the following morning, drunk as hell and during that time I learned she was at bars getting wasted and kissing strippers. She's kissing other people and I'm not sure I can forgive her... I want to though" y/n explains to Eva. Eva makes a few notes on her chipboard and then looks back to y/n. "When did you and Adele start dating?", "officially in February" y/n responds. "When did she cheat? Around March? Is that the correct timeframe?" Eva asks y/n. At that moment y/n looks down at her hands and thinks at the 10 months adele and herself have been living together "Early April" y/n avoids the eye contact with the professional. "Y/n tell me about your childhood" Eva doesn't remover her gaze from y/n who won't meet hers. "Well I hardly had one!" Y/n laughs and finally looks up at Eva "meaning?"

"Well I began drinking and having sex at 13... had a kid at 16 and my whole life changed. I raised him alone because his father passed away. Early in my childhood my mom was always away getting drunk and leaving me at a family members house. I don't have my dad growing up and my mother had a secret child before me. Oh and did I mention she passed unexpectedly in May" y/n rants as she shakes her leg "and has Adele suggested talking with you about it or have you been to a therapist?" Eva asks as she writes things down again "I had a therapist for a few weeks after my moms passing. And Adele and I haven't talked about our childhoods" y/n says as she now thinks about it "whys that? Do you guys not have the time or is it the sex getting in the way?" Eva looks back up at y/n "I- we have time..." y/n responds in a low voice "tell me about your previous relationship" Eva instructs y/n to do "her name is Elizabeth. She was great...or she was. She began hitting me after a month, she would do it in-front of my kid and threaten to hit him. So I left, I left her, changed my number, she was blocked on social media. I saw her again flirting with Adele at a bar so I went over and told her to stop bothering. That's the last time I saw her" y/n responds "And do you know if Adele still keeps in contact with her exes?", "only ex of her I know about is her ex-husband. They finalized the divorce before we dated, they co-parent", "ok thank you y/n" Eva smiles at y/n

"Adele hi, how are you?" Eva smiles as Adele enters the room and y/n exits "I'm doing fine" Adele smiles and takes a seat also crossing her leg over the other "so why do you believe you're here today?" Eva stands and goes over for a glass of water for herself and Adele "well y/n suggested this. I of course agreed that we could both learn how to talk to each other instead of having sex to solve our issues" Adele looks down at her hands as she fidgets with her fingers "and why do you think the communication isn't the best between you two?" Eva hands Adele the glass of water and takes a seat once again. "I'm not sure", "that's fine. Can you tell me what led you to cheat? Was it vengeance on something y/n did?" Adele chuckles and rubs her temples "I don't know why I did it. Y/n and I were doing fine...", "what about your last relationship? How did she treat you?" Eva grabs her pen and gets ready to write "he. He treated me like his personal assistant... all I would do is cook and clean and feed him. Pay bills and work to support us, even thought I didn't have too. I was staying because of the my baby. So he could have his mommy and daddy" Adele responds. Eva write for a few seconds after Adele's response "does y/n know? Is she aware of how your previous relationship?" Eva asks without looking up "yeah... he's still in my life. We co-parent, he visits and we get along even after the divorce", "when was the divorce?" Eva looks up confused "it's still being finalized... but all the paperwork and lawyers' meeting began in august" Adele looks around the room. The couches once again, y/n's cup on the coffee table and she knows because she can see y/n's lipgloss over the ring of the cup. Y/n purse is also just sitting on the couch along with her phone. Eva is writing down things and flipping through pages. "Y/n. She doesn't know its not finalized, she thinks it was finalized before you two got together" Eva looks up at Adele "because that's what I thought... my lawyer called when she was around and I want listening. I turns out she said; it won't be finalized soon. And I head soon" Adele explains to Eva. "Well you should let her know about that. Now, tell me about your childhood" Eva looks back at her paper

"It was great up until I was 8 when my father left I was angry but my mom made me realize it wasn't worth my time. She worked multiple jobs to keep us stable. I moved to a new place and began An arts school later after that, a few years after actually. First boyfriend inspired me to write music which then leads me here. Divorced and now bad terms with his dad but I'm afraid of telling y/n all of this" Adele stands up and starts pacing around the room. "Adele, you do more harm in not being open with y/n than good" Eva takes her glasses off and looks at Adele "would you mind letting her in now?" She adds. Adele walks to the door and steps out fully.

"Did she write when you were in there?", "a crap ton" y/n responds and looks up to Adele. "Come on, she wants us both in there now" Adele grabs y/n's hand and helps her up. They both walk in and take a seat in front of Eva. Right away Eva gets to writing making y/n and Adele look at each other

"You two are very much in love. What seems to be hurting your relationship is in fact the lack of communication skills and the amount of sex you two have-", "how does sex affect this?" Y/n Interrupts. Adele laughs and looks over "you two are clearly very physically attracted to each other and at the sight of each other you two become... horny teenagers" Eva laughs. Y/n and Adele look at each other before giggling a little "look ladies. I'm suggesting a break for you two, in those weeks-", "WEEKS?!" Y/n almost yells. "I'm going to have you two sleep in different bedrooms and not have sex. 30 days without each other. Y/n go make up your teenage years and Adele does the same, the press is getting an idea that Adele might be seeing you so avoid going out together. Take turns taking care of the kids, see other people in the meantime. Be sure that when you two come back you only want each other" Eva hands the later to both Adele and Y/n. "What of at the end we hate each others guts?" Adele asks. Y/n turns her head to Adele and is concerned right away "talk about your childhoods and things like your previous relationship... tell her what you told me" Eva looks at Adele and then y/n. "And just like that ladies our session is over. Your next appointment is 2 weeks from today" Eva stands and y/n and Adele do the same "that's was 2 hours?" Y/n looks at her Apple Watch "yes ma'am. You two talk quite a lot and then talk none" Eva places her clipboard over at her desk and she walks Adele and y/n out


"So... 30 days" Adele says as y/n enters the drivers side of the car.

"30 days"

"Elizabeth hit me... she hit me multiple times and once she broke 6 of my ribs which punctured my lungs. She wanted to hit Eliot but I wouldn't let her so instead I got it worse. She hit me in front of him... I began drinking and having sex at 13 and you know that led to Eliot when I turned 16. I didn't say anything because I don't want you to look at me any different and that's just something I don't share. My mom... she barely raised me. She only became a mother to me when I told her I was pregnant. Otherwise I was always at family's house or alone while she drank and got high. The scar behind my left knee is because she threw a knife at me when she found out I was drinking but I forgave her because I was happy I was finally going to have my mom" y/n says as she pulls out of the parking lot and begins the drive home. "Elizabeth the one who was hitting on me at the bar?" Adele's voice is low. "That one..." y/n responds. Adele takes y/n's free hand and kisses it "my dad left when I was 8. His disease took him from me and I was depressed for a while but my mum managed to cheer me up... a few years later we moved and I began high-school at the Brit school. My first boyfriend cheated on me and I was devastated. That's when I wrote 19 and thank you to MySpace I got to where I am now. Simon and I aren't divorced yet and I'm sorry I confused you. The day I told you the lawyer called I was so distracted that I didn't hear her telling me; the divorce won't be finalized soon. I head it was finalized. And I'm so sorry I haven't told you I've just been so scared of losing you and baby I love you so please forgive me. Forgive me for ever cheating and hurting you the way I did, you deserve so much better and I hope that during the 30 days you see how much I truly am sorry" Adele apologizes. Y/n pulls over into a small road and parks the car "I forgive you Adele... because it's not just that I love you deeply; it's the depth of this emotion. It's not something that faded or could be missed easily" she kissed her like no one had ever kissed her, soft and moist and hot and breathy, not trying to win a battle but seeking union and closeness and the sharing of one breath, one sensation, one timeless and passionate moment. The heat rose in her cheeks as her tongue touched the other girls' tongue, quick and electric and delicious, then firmer, more determined, more curious about the heat that lay within, seeking to chase down that elusive liquid lightning that reached through both of them.

[[ so I gave or a little Grey's Anatomy moment when Callie and Arizona were doing couples therapy. We'll see how it goes ]]

Word count: 2028

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