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∆ A TOXIC RELATIONSHIP (not with Nick and Karl, don't worry)
∆  POTENTIAL RAPE/SEXUAL ASSAULT (not from Karl or Sapnap of course).

Y/n is 21, Nick is 24 almost 25 and Karl is 23. I do know that Karl is older but in this au just go with it <3

N= Nick, K= Karl, Y/n= Y/n and so on and so forth. I'll give a little footnote for anymore people/extras added in.


   Karl waited in his bedroom, drinking a monster and looking at his monitor. He spun in his gaming chair just waiting for  something to happen. He sighed softly, being bored. Soon, he got a notification from discord.

Y/n had a great idea. Come to my room.
    Karl shrugged and picked up his drink, going to Nick's room. He knocked, the Texan giving the ok. He opened the door and saw Nick in his chair, Y/n on discord. He sat on the end of Nick's bed, greeting Y/n
      WITH Y/N-
I watched as Karl came into the room and sat on Nick's bed. He looked happy, yet confused. Y/n: "So you know how we were planning on meeting up at some point?" Karl nodded slowly, looking back. K: "Yeah- I remember. And?"  I grinned and held up a plane ticket. It read:
  Flight to: North Carolina, September.16th, 2022 at Reosha Airlines.
  Nick turned in his chair to look at the brunnete in a purple sweater. He had a cheeky smile on his face. N: "Surprise!" Karl squeeled, making me and Nick laugh. K: "That's awesome! The 16th so only 3 days until you come!" He was practically bounding up and down with joy. N: "Hey Karl wanna go get your stream ready? I'll be in there in a sec."
   Karl nodded his head, waving to me before he left the room. N: "Are you ready to move out of there? I know he's been horrible-" You nodded. Nick smiled warmly.  N: "I'm sure you'll be happier here with me and Karl Y/n. I'll talk to you soon! Bye Y/n!" Y/n: "Bye Nick!" You watched as his discord icon disappeared as he left the chat. You looked down at the ticket and to your room.
  You looked across your decor that you loved, the fairy lights, cushion chair, and all the pictures; you, family, pets and friends. Y/n: "I won't be able to take it all.. Sam can help me move some of it." You called your friend who worked at a nationwide moving company.
S=Sam, uses all pronouns.
   The phone rang a few times before he answered. S: "Hello? This is Sam from Indie movers." Y/n: "Hey Sam! It's Y/n! Remember how I was going to move out..?" You could hear Sam shift in her seat. Sam: "Yeah, I do. Are you moving soon?" You cleared your throat softly. Y/n: "Yeah actually. I'm moving in 3 days. I need your movers to North Carolina."
   You could hear a pen click on the other end of the phone along with some papers. Sam: "So I'll get those by plane. Just pack stuff up and I'll send a truck over and some coworkers to help box and load things." You thanked them, hanging up the phone. You only needed some of these things, the rest could be donated. You went to the garage and grabbed large trash bags, some spare boxes, and bubble wrap; taking them back to your room.
  You bagged some old clothes and fabrics you didn't need, along with some things your 'boyfriend' gave you. You looked at a picture of him and you, his hand on your lower waist and a fake smile on your face. You took it out of the small flower covered frame and ripped it into many pieces, you clenched your hand around the torn picture before throwing it away into a small trash bin by your door.
   You wrapped some of the most precious breakable things you had. Your crystal butterfly from your mother, a vase your little brother Matt made, a paw indent of your life long dog, Jake. You put them into a box and labeled it: Fragile, move with the most care. You wrote a large star on the top so they knew to be careful. You took your set of purple suitcases from your closet, putting the clothes and feminine necessities you needed into it.
  You packed the last of your clothing and shoes into the suitcases as you heard a knock on the door. You go to the door and see some of the Indie movers, you opened the door with a smile. They were each carrying flat boxes for the rest of the stuff you were taking. You closed the door after them and took them to your bedroom. Y/n: "If you could please pack the things on this wall and in the top of my closet that would be great. Im going to be taking the things to the moving truck if you need me."
   T=Tristen, A= Andy
T: "Will do. We should be done soon. Let us know if you want anything else packed." You thanked them and took the suitcases to the truck. You loaded them, the boxes, the bags of your favorite blankets and squishmellows. You went back to the room, seeing the walls bare. You helped them load the last of the boxes and totes. You went back to grab your beanbag chair, and the last few things. You loaded them into the truck, closing the door and locking it.
    Y/n: "Thank you both so much. Here's your tip." You handed each of them $80. A: "That's far too much-" You shook your head, a smile on your face. Y/n: "Your getting me out of here, it's a thank you." You watched as they got into their truck, driving off with a wave. You saw headlights approach, you went back inside.
     As you sat on the leather couch, you turned on the Tv. You decided to watch you favorite movie, trying to take your mind off  the soon to come. As the first few minutes rolled in on the film you heard keys unlock the front door, and the sound of it opening. You heard your 'boyfriend's footsteps enter the house. You turned to face him, the light from the sun now faded. He stumbled into the house, barely closing the door behind his drunken figure. O: "I hate you, slut!" He pointed at you, his words slurred and running together.
    You watched as he drank the last of what he was holding and threw it at your direction, you ducked your head out of the way. You heard it crash to the ground and shatter behind you. Y/n: "Come on- let's just get you to bed." You were scared but couldn't show it, he's done this before dozens of times. You got up from the couch and went to Owen. You went to touch his shoulder and lead him to his room, before you could even touch his arm he grabbed your wrist. You froze, the tall drunken blonde gripped your wrist and twisted. A sharp pain shot through your arm as your tried to pry it away from him.
   You felt a few hot tears start to roll off your face as he pulled you closer to him. O: "Why don't we do something tonight??" He touches your lower waist. You shove yourself away from him, frustrated. Y/n: I'm not doing anything with you ever Owen." You grab both his shoulders from behind and lead him to his room, closing the door being him. You went back to the living room and turned off your favorite movie. You saw the shattered bottle on the ground, picking up the large pieces and using a dust pan and broom and cleaned the small ones.
    You threw them away into the trash can, only to find a trail of blood running down your arm. You went back to the kitchen and washed it off, a gash running from your thumb to lower wrist soon was found. You took the first aid kit from under the sink and put ointment and bandages onto the cut, wrapping it afterwards.
  You went back to your room, closing and locking the door behind you. You hated him so much, he's caused you so many problems. But in 3 days you wouldn't have to worry about him anymore. You held up your plane ticket and smiled softly. You were gonna see them soon. You put the ticket into your nightstand and closed the drawer, you only had a few pieces of clothing left since the rest is on its way to North Carolina. Your gripped your pillow and buried your face into its cushiony surface. You didn't even change out of your clothes from earlier before you turned over and fell asleep, holding onto the pillow and shaking slightly.
  You needed to get out of there and soon.

If any charecter I use (Sapnap or Karl) are uncomfortable with smut I will take it down. Though I have not seen anything of that sort that says they are. Let me know if I pass their comfort zone, it will be greatly appreciated. Though I have seen a bunch of other smut stories with them in it.

Thank you again for reading this and my other stories. It really is great to see all of you reading them. If you haven't please check my others out, they aren't really that good, maybe a bit rushed but I still feel a little proud of them. Thank you for everything, the support and kind words mean a lot to me. (つ≧▽≦)つ🤍

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