Werewolf Peter//One-Shot. Part 1🖤

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I woke up to my alarm clock going off. I groggily rolled out of bed and stretched out my arms. 'UGhH, fuck me dry. I do not feel like going to that trashy ass school agai-' Before I could even finish that thought, my mom busted into the room. "GET YOUR BUM ASS UP, Y/N. CAUSE I KNOW YOU. YOU'RE GONNA GO BACK TO SLEEP FOR NEARLY THE ENTIRE DAY AND NOT GO TO SCHOOL. NOW GET DRESSED, THEN COME DOWN FOR BREAKFAST." She yelled, staring me dead in the eyes with a stern look on her face, indicating she was being serious.

I let out an irritated groan, and nodded. She smiled, "Love ya." She blew me a kiss, I caught it and put my hand next to my chest. She then left out the room. I sighed and chuckled. I look over at my window. "I should get dressed."

- Time Skip -

After I've gotten dressed, I sped down the stairs. I greeted my mother at the table, and kissed her on the head.
I took a seat, digging into my meal.
After I was done, I took my bookbag up and off the computer chair, waved goodbye to my mother, and finally went out the door, and headed to school.

On my way there, I kind of felt as if I were being watched. The sky got darker.. 'It was way brighter before..' it was strange. And it spooked me. I felt eyes stabbing the back of my head.
I began to speed walk my way down the sidewalk.

I heard rusting in the nearby bushes. I stopped dead in my tracks, and slowly turned my attention towards the sound.
Sweat ran down my forehead as I slowly began to cautiously approach the bushes.

In a flash, I was tackled..! Someone- or rather something, jumped out at me. I fell flat on my butt, onto the concrete floor. 'Damn that hurt..' just then, I was being attacked with licks all over my face!
It was.. a cute black dog!! It gave me a shit ton of kisses. I was pretty shocked, not expecting this AT ALL. 'What was this cute little thing doing in the bushes??' I thought, picking it up, giggling. "Aren't you a cute one!" It's tail was wagging furiously. Seemingly VERY happy. I checked to see if it had a collar, but it didn't. I thought for a moment.

"GAhhh, you're so cute, I want to take you home with mee!!!" That's when I got an brilliant idea. "Y'know what, I'm actually gonna fall through with that." I said, it barked happily as it's tail continue to wag. I chuckled, then stood up, with it cradled in my arms. I decided to just head home for the day. I'm not bringing an animal to school, and also because I have an excuse not to go so, E h e h . Suck it, losers.

Once I've got back, my mother was already gone. 'Must've went to work' I thought, as I laid him down on the couch. I could tell he was male after we stopped mid-way for a Lil bathroom break. Kneeled down Infront of him, and scratched behind his right ear. He leaned his head further against my hand. It was cute. 'Now that I think about it.. he kind of resembles somewhat more of a wolf than a dog. Nonetheless, still fuckin' cute.'

- Time Skip -

After 6 hours of playing catch, and a bunch of other activities, he finally fell asleep, curled up in my lap. "So cute.." I whispered under my breath, quietly admiring the adorable dog wolf thing- whatever the fuck it was, that's sleeping peacefully in my lap.

After a while, my eyes felt heavy as I began to doze off to sleep.

(ON HOLD) 🖤 Emo Peter x Female Reader 🍋 // One-Shots Where stories live. Discover now