Werewolf Peter//One-Shot. Part 2🤍

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My eyes fluttered open as I awoke from my dreamless nap. I sat up, stretching my arms with a groan. I heard and felt the satisfying cracks as I stretched and arched my back. I looked over at the clock that sat on the wall. 12:30, it read. I sighed, and looked around.

I stood still, Hearing noises coming from the kitchen. Curiously, I walked over. Either expecting the lil' guy or my mom.
I peeked around the corner, and saw.. A large tail coming out of the fridge? Whatever was on the other side, the door to the fridge was concealing me from seeing whatever the creature was.
I took a step closer, making sure not to make any sounds. 'This motherfucker is rummaging through my fucking fridge, little shit. It can honestly keep that casserole, but damn, save some for the family.' I angrily thought.

I peeked over the fridge door. 'Okay, what the actual fuck.' Trying not to panic, I slowly stepped back.
And of fucking course I HAD TO TRIP OVER SOMETHING. I fell right on my ass, making a loud thud. "FUCK.-" Who or whatever the creature was stopped in it's place. My heart jumped out of my chest, and I was sweating hard balls.
I saw wolf-like ears perk up from the fridge. I backed up. At this point I was shitting hard bricks.

I began to hyperventilate. Whatever was behind the fridge stood up and closed it's door. My eyes widened.
"Holy shit.." I mumbled. My breath hitched as the thing stared me down, taking a step closer. ' T h a t ' s i t . ' When it took another step closer I took a dash for the front door.
But before I could even make it half way there, a large hand grabbed hold of my arm, forcing me to stop.

I heard a low growl from behind. I slowly turned around, and was met with honestly a beautiful set of blue eyes. We just stared at each other for almost 2 minutes. I took a deep breath in, and just decided to come at peace with the thing..? I slowly and cautiously lifted up my arm and reached to pet it's head.
It flinched, and I stopped. I looked at it with reassuring eyes, and surprisingly, it leaned it's head against my hand, and allowed me to pet it. "Cute.." I quietly whispered to myself.
I took this time to examine it. It was wearing one of my oversized shirts.. Ahem.. Correction. HE WAS WEARING ONE OF MY OVERSIZED SHIRTS.

- Time Skip -

I let out an exaggerated sigh of relief. I gave him some big ass pants that I randomly had in my closet.

I literally saw two beasts in one night.

He was asleep now. Thank goodness. I can finally sit back, relax, and watch some TV- wait. "WHERE IS THAT DOG AT??" I shouted. I immediately covered my mouth and looked over at the wolf hybrid that laid on the couch.

He was now awake. Looking panicked, and worried. I Uncovered my mouth and nervously smiled.
"My bad, didn't mean to wake you," I sheepishly chuckled.
He stood and walked over to me,
"Are you alright darling?" He said, a hint of concern in his voice.

I paused.

"Woah. You can fucking talk????" completely pushing aside his question, and replacing it with my own.
He chuckled, "Of course I can talk, I'm still considered an human." His tail wagged. 'What the fuuucckkk-'
Tonight was honestly weird enough. I wanted sleep at this point.

"Wow. Okay, cool. U h m . Go to sleep."
Before he could react, I had lightly slapped a specific spot on his head that knocked him out cold.

He fell on the floor, creating a loud thud.
I dragged him back over to the couch by the tail. "Holy fuck, you're heavy.." I wheezed.

Once I've finally got him into the couch, in almost an instant, he turned into a tiny dog.
The same tiny dog from before. I couldn't take this amount of confusion anymore, and honestly just gave up entirely.

I patted his head, and ran up the steps, rushing into my room, and plopping right onto my comfy bed.

I immediately fell to sleep.

(ON HOLD) 🖤 Emo Peter x Female Reader 🍋 // One-Shots Where stories live. Discover now