Chapter 2

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Adam: Well, well... Tatsuki Akira, pleasure to meet you, My host

Adam grinned

Akira: Who are you?!

Ren: Relax he's you

Akira: I mean he looks like me but older but still!

Adam: Worry not Akira, This is only a mere illusion that I kept reserved to this place after all this is my home. Now then shall we start today?

Akira: I'm not good on controlling the power cause it hurts me when I do
Adam: I see


Akira: Kughh!!

Akira grunted by the immense pain. Akira was knocked down, all over and over that it really got to him

Adam: If you won't move you'll die

Adam reminded Akira as he walk towards him. Akira then stood up and cold aura started to appear. Akira then carelessly charged to him which was a grave mistake. As Akira was about to throw a punch at Adam, Adam immediately thrust his katana to him

Ren then unsheathe his sword

Adam: O-Oh did I went overboard?

Ren: Yes you did

Adam: Forgive me...

The sword then glowed and disappeared. Which gave Akira an advantage to tackle him. As Adam got to the ground, ice then crystalized and restrained him as Akira covered his fist with ice and punch Adam. Adam tried to break the ice but it felt like it was only getting stronger the harder he try to escape. Akira then break the ice around his hands and created a sword from it then pierced it to Adam which only broke as fenghuang feathers appeared 

Adam: Impressive

Adam grinned

Akira: Fenghuang down?

Adam: It's a mimicry

Akira then stands up

Akira: I'll fight for her... And by her I'll just only growing stronger

Adam: A motivation, just a perfect host!

Adam celebrated. The Ice that restrained him was then easily break. 

Adam: You're just the perfect host...

Adam then activated an illusion creating an Oasis, an empty ecosystem that consist of trees, stone hills with river falls that height is 78 ft next to the river fall was a sakura blossom that it's roots outgrown and others went above the surface. An impressive view. There's also artificial structures. A vintage building with magic, like those in fantasy fictions, a garden

Adam: Welcome! to PROJECT: OASIS, This is an Imaginary Space inside the Gem of Volition

Ren: I never seen such beauty before

Adam: This is not just an illusion you could be out of the real world and instead be inside the gem, This is created in heavy magic like those you see in fantasy fictions

Akira: Magic existed, huh

Adam: It already did silly

Adam: Here I reside to guide you... There will be missions coming so you better be have such prowess ability so we must train faster.

Akira: Missions... like videogames huh

Adam: Yeah, like video games but on hard difficulty

Akira: I'll train harder starting today

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