Log entry 8797

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Adam Renualt log entry 8797

Ending the honkai war must strike to its core... Will of Honkai... by killing civilians will trick the entity into thinking we're its alliance. By changing the code of Gem of Volition I can manipulate it into making a new ego... Let's say his name is Akira. A cocky ego who think of himself a the new born Akira he will also lost control and kill humans as what I changed the code to the herrscher core, he will not be an apologetic man living no regrets when comes to killing innocent lives, except he will love it and will get addicted while also fighting against honkai

The Weakening of the subject will start by 2016 of february 20th... He will suffer major body pain, constant bleeding, both mentally and physically

I always wanted to be a villain so why not do it in this world plus it would benefit the current subject and his acquaintance... Just imagine the void dying in his arms while he is not himself then Kiana came as the protagonist as that man said she was... then the rest is history... ahh... what a world we live in

Sakura... She's roaming everywhere in the world with the black box activated, How did she came to life, was it because of SAKURA's genes or it's just Sakura. I abandoned her and I have no regrets as I'm in the journey with Otto and as "he" said I must do these things before doing things... After all... I'm no one... but a mere person... no an un-existing person who taken by the subject existence as I planned... I've done enough the crimes and all of that

To do good deeds is to do evil after all and by that I can justify my sins and my other world's sins... 

This is my last log entry for the Gem of Volition... Adam Ren-... no... Number 6th ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇ code: 002 as Herrscher of Will... out... Mission has completed

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