Chapter 14

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  Bonnie leaned over the railing, happily watching his friends play one of their mid-day concerts. He tapped his feet alongside the rythem as he hummed along with Freddy as he sang, his eyes followed Roxanne as she danced with her guitar, letting it all out. He smiled down at them, he was wanting to catch Monty's gaze so he could cheer him on but he saw something out of the corner of his eye.

  He turned his head and saw a child. They were facing away from the crowd, like he was listening to someone talk to him. He then walked away from the crowd.
It didn't sit right with him. Quick to his feet, he immedly raced down the stairs and onto the first floor. He looked around where the child as standing at, seeing if he could track where he was. He was lucky he was a rabbit and followed the scent from the child.

  He raced down hallways and around corners, skating so he could catch up to him before he lost the trail. He noticed he was by the daycare. Stopping and hoping the child just wanted to play with Sun and MoonDrop, but when he went up to the fencing around the playset, he didn't smell his scent in the room. He asked SunDrop if he saw any child out here, as he immediately pointed to the theater around the corner.
  He took off, skating down the hallway and into the private themed area, skating past his bestfriend cutout, who was coincidentally pointing the the only open movie room. The room was empty other than the show playing in the screen. The room as filled with the smells of popcorn, body oder, and spill sodas from long ago, but amidst the smells he could smell the child's, as well as something that gave off a familiar but threatening fume coming from behind the screen.
  Bonnie quickly went behind the giant screen, he couldn't let it happen again. He found a door and immediately opened it, inside the pitch black room was a little boy who was crying, he looked no more than three years old. He crouched down, giving him a warm and safe smile, he opened up his arms.

  "Hey little bunny, why don't you come out of this dark room, with me?" He asked in a gentle voice. "We can draw and play a game together "

  He cried harder as he wobbled his way to the bunny, hugging him as he hid himself into the bunny's arms. Why would they want such a sweet little thing. He lightly picked him up, holding him in a protective way against him; What ever was going to take him, was going to fight the bunny first to take him away. He closed the door, and walked from behind the giant screen, a video of Foxy playing. It was a close up on his nose, showing off his nose ring before it pulled out, revealing his whole face, him saying he could sniff out gold, and interrupting movie viewers. He looked up to his friend, giving him a longing look, needing his guidance right at the moment.

  He soon was back to the main lobby, the baby falling asleep a while ago. He noticed a woman crying as a man held her, a crowd had gathered around them and some cops had shown up, all surrounding a very nervous and frazzled looking Vanessa. He quickly ran up to the woman.

"Excuse me! Is this your son?" He asked.

  The woman turned, screaming happily to see one of he animatronics with him and safe. She thanked Bonnie over and over again, as she took him back. Bonnie told her and one of the cops what had happened and that he had seen the whole thing.
Soon, the crowd was dispersed and the cops left. Felt a strange feeling pride as he finally was able to save a child, he looked up to the group left cops had left, but Vanessa wasn't proud of him, instead she gave Bonnie a death glare. His ears fell, he was confused, why was looking at him like that?
  She turned away as a group of kids ran up to Bonnie, wanting him to beat him in a bowling competition. He agreed and followed them back up the stairs, but, as he played his part in being the happy Bunny who was getting praised for his good deed, the look Vanessa gave him was putting a damper on that excitement.

  The Pizza Plex closed a couple hours early, due to the situation before hand. Bonnie was cleaning up the eating area near his little stage, he placed chairs on the table as he swept the trash from under them when he felt some thrust him up in the air as he hear his other friends cheering for him.

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