Shot 10: Breaking Apart

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Annika and Shivaay were sitting outside the doctor's cabin. Both were nervous but didn't wanted to show it to each other. They had their hands entangled together firmly. Creases and sweat were slowly forming on their faces.

"Mr. and Mrs. Oberoi, Dr.Muraal is waiting for you", Swidhi, assistant of Dr informed them.

Shivaay nodded at her before turning her face back to his wife, "Annika, don't worry, it'll be negative for sure", he assured her while being skeptical himself.

"I won't be Shiv. I have a strong feeling this time", she spoke with a sad and nervous face.

"Don't talk rubbish, come", he got up and pulled her to make her stand.

She got up and looked at him. He gave a small smile, a fake one. They walked slowly towards the cabin's door. "Dr. Muraal Chaudhary, Oncologist", the door read.

Annika's body freezed remembering her first visit at this place.

Two years back, Annika had started feeling sick. She had experienced severe headaches, nausea and many other symptoms. Sometimes, she used to forget the events which had taken place a few minutes back. Other times, she used to lose her balance and fall miserably, sometimes from the stairs or sometimes from the chair. Shivaay being concerned, took her to specialist and that is when they got the devastating news. The news which shook the foundation of their life.

Still in the flashback, Annika was bought back to the real world when her husband shook her, "Haan?"

"We need to go inside", Shivaay reminded her again.

"Ya", she composed herself. Her body had turned stiff remembering all the bitter news which they had received in front of this cabin.

Still, controlling their emotions, they walked and knocked the door.

"Come in", came the queer voice.

They walked inside. This time, the usual smiling and positive face of Dr. Muraal was not as before. Seeing them, he forced a smile.

The couple smiled back at him.

"Good Morning Mr. and Mrs. Oberoi", he wished.

"Morning", Shivaay wished back as Annika remained silent.

"Please have a seat", he told.

The couple obeyed and took a seat.

"Umm..Mr. Oberoi...I don't know how to say this but I am sorry", Dr. Muraal began.

Annika tightened her grip on Shivaay hand, "What's wrong Doctor?"

"Aa.. Mrs. Oberoi, sorry to say but your condition is not improving. Your Brain Cancer has reached its fourth stage. We need to operate as soon as possible", the doctor dropped the bomb.

The land slipped beneath their feets and the world ended. Annika without listening to further facts, ignoring the husband's burst of anger on Dr. Muraal, she rushed outside in the garden.

A day passed and the whole Oberoi Mansion had turned dark. The usual smiling and happy faces lost their light and charm. The playful and lovable family was no more soothing. The chances of Annika's survival in this case was just one tenth percent.

After two days, they were in the hospital. Annika was supposed to be operated. She had her normal tests done and was sitting in the ICU.

Dr. Muraal came to check on her, "How are you feeling Mrs. Oberoi?", he asked.

"Good", Annika smiled, "Just wanted to ask something", she told.

"Ya?", he asked.

"Can I meet them for one last time", Annika pointed at the door.

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