Chapter Five

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Soon, my sister's graduation day arrived. I wasn't mad at her anymore. She didn't have feelings for Jacob and I believed her. As I was doing her hair, I expressed my feelings toward Jacob.

"He imprinted." She said, looking into my eyes through the mirror in my room. My heart fell to my stomach.

"On you." I whispered.

"No, Noreen. On you." She smiled and I almost dropped the curling iron.


As the graduates accepted their diplomas and Jessica gave her speech, I was feeling sad. I knew Bella would eventually marry Edward and move into the Cullen house...and become a vampire. And I would be left behind with my dad. The party at the Cullen house was amazing and everyone was having a good time.

     Some kids from my grade were there and they spoke to me. I was dragging Rosalie to the dance floor when I saw three familiar heads and muscular bodies enter. Jacob, Embry, and Quil. I stomped angrily toward them and they were silent, looking me over.

I wore a low-cut black strapless dress with sequins and it was mid thigh length. I had my hair up with little ringlets hanging down on the sides.

"Hey, Embry. Hey, Quil." I smiled and hugged them both. "What are you doing here, Jacob?"

"Bella invited me, remember?"

"I'm pretty sure that punch was her uninviting you. Or do you need a reminder?" I growled, Rose coming up next to me. I crossed my arms over my chest and tapped my foot on the tile.

"Look, Noreen, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to kiss her. I just... I don't want her to ruin her life for some bloodsucker." He whispered low.

"Don't talk about Edward like that. Or any of the Cullen's. At least they don't change into a damn dog." Rose giggled and we high fived, sneering at him. Embry and Quil looked uncomfortable and went to do something else. Jake pulled something out of his pocket; a handmade bracelet with a wooden carving of a wolf dangling from it.

"I guess that's for Bella." I snarled, looking at him in disgust.

"Nope. It's actually for you." He slipped the bracelet over my wrist.

"Rose, can you leave us alone for a sec?" I whispered, surprised. She nodded and walked away. I looked down at the bracelet, then back at Jacob Black. His eyes were sad, mirroring mine.

"I'm your imprint." I said matter of factly. He nodded and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm sorry, Noreen. For not forgetting about Bella and immediately running to you. I'll never hurt you again." He promised in my ear. A tear slipped down my cheek and I clutched his shoulders tightly, digging my nails into them, never wanting to let go. Someone rushed by me and I turned my head. Alice was at the top of the stairs, staring off into space again.

I pulled Jake up the stairs with the Cullen's and Quil, Embry, and Bella. She smiled at us and I blushed. The Cullen's weren't going to have to go to Seattle to take care of the newborns. They were coming here. We all sat in the den, Carlisle explaining about the newborn army to Jake.

     Riley Biers was among them, possibly the leader...and he had been passing around articles of clothing to newborns with mine and Bella's scents. Jacob growled and pulled me against him.

"Why are they passing around my scent? I wasn't even here!" I said, almost to the brink of tears.

"You are the closest to Bella. If they hurt you, they hurt her." Alice whispered. They were coming in four days...

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