Chapter One

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    I stood in front of the mirror in the airport bathroom, pulling my oversized galaxy hoodie over the wide-strapped pink cheetah print halter top and smoothed my pink and blonde hair.
      I buttoned the light wash skinny jeans and grabbed my backpack, exiting the bathroom. People swarmed and I heard a feminine voice call my name.

       I craned my neck to see my sister by the baggage claim. Two men were trying to find my luggage. One of them had dark hair and was wearing a sheriffs jacket. Definitely my dad.

      The other was tall, super pale, and had bronze hair styled a little high for my taste. I looked at the girl wearing jeans and a T-shirt over a long sleeve flannel shirt. She had breast length dark brown hair with nature honey blonde highlights. She wore a headband and I knew by her outfit that it was my sister.

      I ran to her, dropping my backpack by her feet and jumping up, wrapping my legs around her waist and my arms around her neck. She threw her arms around my waist and laced her fingers vagina my back.

   "Isabella!" I said in a fake Italian accent, covering her forehead with kisses. The guys turned around, each holding two dark purple suitcases.

   "Rachel!" She blushed at the attention I earned us and my dad and the other guy laughed. I jumped down and hugged my dad.

   "Hey, Rache," he said quietly, kissing my cheek.

   "Who's Mr. McPaleness over here?" I eyed the guy putting his arm around Bella. "And everyone calls me Noreen. I don't want people to start confusing me with Rachel Black when the rumors start." I winked and looked back at Bella expectantly.

   "This is Edward Cullen, Bella's boyfriend." Dad cleared his throat and didn't look too happy about it. I tickled Bella lightly, then propped my arm up on Edward's shoulder.

   "Have you gotten shorter?" Bella said. I narrowed my eyes.

   "Hush, less prettier Swan sister. Just kidding. What's up, Mr. Ed? I'm Noreen." I was making fun of his name obviously. Remember the Mr. Ed show back in the day about the talking horse with the big teeth that could talk?

      No? Anyway, he chuckled at my joke and we all stood there talking for another minute. Edward, Bella and dad came in separate cars, so I tossed my luggage in Edward's trunk and rode with dad.

   "So, what's up with you and Bella's boyfriend?" I asked my dad once we pulled out of the airport parking lot.

   "It's a long story. I'll let Bells tell you... They're always spending time together. She's hardly home and never spends time with anyone else." He shook his head and looked ahead.

     I had always been a daddy's girl. Bella was mom's favorite.

   "I'm not sure if I like him yet." I stared in the rearview mirror at the car behind us. A silver Volvo. The guys parents must love him.

   We got to my dad's house and he pulled the cruiser into the driveway. Edward parked on the curb. I jumped out and jogged over to the Volvo, grabbing my bags from the trunk.

     I handed two bags to Edward, one to Bella, and I carried the fourth into the house. Dad led the way upstairs and to a room across from Bella's. He opened the door and I swear it was every girls dream. Well, girls like me anyway.

   It had a full bed against the window looking out over the backyard, with green sheets and a fluffy orange comforter. The walls were painted light gray-like my eyes-with tree decals on them.

      White Christmas lights decorated the walls. The closet was small, but I hadn't brought many clothes. There was a desk in the corner and enough space for my books, CDs, laptop, and school stuff.

  A chair sat against the other window by the closet with a little wicker table in front of it. By the bed was a little wooden table with a lamp on it. I set my bag on the floor and flopped down, staring at the glow in the dark stars that were still on the ceiling from when I was little.

      Edward and Bella set the other bags down by the bed and everyone was quiet.

   "Like your room? It was mostly Edward's sister, Alice, and Bella. I just bought everything." Dad chuckled and I sat up, smiling.

   "Thanks, Bells. Tell your sister thanks, too, Edward. I love it!"

   That night, dad had invited some people over for my Welcome Home dinner. I hadn't seen the La Push crowd in years. Dad actually cooked a good meal and around seven, people started arriving. I was up in my room getting ready.

   I left my hair in loose curls. I pulled on my black and white folded peplum top, high waisted skinny jeans, and mix paint boots. I put in small diamond earnings and marched down the stairs.

     Billy Black was there with Sue Clearwater and her kids. Rachel was there, too, but no Jacob. Two of Jacobs friends were here with Seth Clearwater.

      Edward had left, but Bella stayed at least. Seth and his friends stared and I started to walk by them toward my dad

   "Is that Bella's sister?"

   "I don't remember her. What's her name again?"

   "Rachel Swan. Ya know, the girl born in the namesake of Rachel Black? Call me Noreen." I narrowed my eyes at the boys and put my hands on my hips.

     They were tall, so my small frame probably didn't intimidate them. One of them chuckled and elbowed the other in the ribs.

   "I'm Seth. Remember me?" I looked at him. He was almost six feet tall with shorter hair and muscles. I smiled sweetly.

    "Duh. How ya been, Clearwater?" He blushed and nodded.

    "Good. You don't remember Quil Atera and Embry Call. Guys, this is Noreen. We used to be best friends back in the day." He laughed and pulled my head under his arm. I blushed and smiled at the boys.

    "Oh, you mean the girl you always tell us stories about? Like the time you were playing doctor?" Embry winked.

    "Or the several times you kissed. Ah, young love." Quil laughed and looked down at me.

    "Shut up." Seth removed his arm and I headed back to my dad

    "There she is! Honey, you remember Billy and Sue." Dad put his arm around my shoulders and smiled wide. I knew Harry had died last year and I pitied Sue.

      But I always remember her as being really strong. And Billy was the strongest. He had lost his wife and feeling in his legs years ago and I never once saw him break down. He kept it together for Jacob.

   "Hey, Noreen. How are you?" Sue asked sincerely. I hugged them.

   "I'm good. How about you two?" After a few minutes, I heard a loud voice.

   "Sister by name! Come here," Rachel said. I excused myself and went to the tall tan girl. She was a few years older than me, but I was named after her and we were always close. We had stayed in touch over the years.

   "Hey, Rache." I smiled and hugged her.

   "I'm so happy you're living here. Now I won't have to go all the way to Phoenix to see you! Although, I'm not down here a lot either." We sat on the sofa with Bella.

   "Where's Jake?" I asked Rachel. She shrugged her shoulders and Bella looked uncomfortable. "Bells?"

   "He hasn't been returning my calls. I don't know where he is." Bella and Rachel looked at each other briefly and I let it go.


A/N: what do you guys think??

I'm not going to have Jacob fight for Bella very long in this story because he wouldn't like her at all once he found his imprint. And really, he probably wouldn't have wasted Time on her if Renesmee hadn't been his imprint.

This is gonna be a short one (7 chapters) and I have it all typed out(: feedback is appreciated

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