Episode 13

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Everything just...wasn't right. With anything. Even after the chat D, Noodz and I had everything's just felt off.
I haven't seen Cy and weeks, no matter how hard I try I can't ever get a reply from Mum...and I lost Max's baby blanket.

Cy had me a bit worried to be honest.
Usually she'd be in the basement charging or working on one of her updates. She just...wasn't there.
Of course I was worried but if i knew anything about Cy she was probably on some big bounty hunt or off in the country side doing target practice or, whatever Cy usually did when she was gone. Which was happening more often believe it or not.

There wasn't much of anything happening today, it was raining but not anything unseen in West London. I was in the lounge with the PlayStation, switching between games since Cy was gone. It was hard to keep myself occupied.

"Hola batata."
Noodle giggled as she sat next to me. I was so use to her speaking many languages to me i couldn't even keep them straight. Just focused on playing GTA.

"Diddddd you just call me a sweet potato in Spanish?"

"I did."
She ruffled my hair a bit and laughed.
"You're getting good. As for your driving...not so much."

"I'm trying my best. Controls aren't worth shit."
I laughed as I backed into a police car and sped off. GTA wasn't really my favorite but i played it occasionally.

"Remind me never to let yo' drive."
She nudged me a bit as I continued to play.
"You're supposed to stay in the road Sia-Chan."

"It's hard staying anywhere when im moving this fast. That and they're driving on the wrong side."
I hear Noodz half chuckle after i say that. As if she could do better, I wasn't doubting but it would be absolutely difficult.
"Alright then. You have a go."

"Okay, You record you're amazing driving skills and I'll record mine, we'll let the boys decide."

"Are we doing multiplayer?"
I asked setting my controller down to chat. She said nothing more. Just walking off with a smug look on her face.

No, no multiplayer but I did get better at driving. Not by much but I tried and i recorded all of it and was pretty satisfied. Standing up I stretched my arms and legs setting down my controller and to Noodle's door.
"Noodz. It's your turn. I think I might've actually done better than you this time."

There was a tap on my shoulder causing me to jump.

"Are you ready?"

She asked with the same mischievous grin on her face. Something was up...but what?

"I guess but, you're not going to cheat are you?"

"No, no,no. No cheating. Come. Follow me."
She lead the way but, seemed to be going the wrong way.

"Uhh...Noodle, the lounge is this way."

"I know."
She stated, leading me to the garage where her car sat. The boys seemed to be waiting for her too.
Without question I Climbed into the back i sat in the middle seat as usual, having 2D sit next to me and Murdoc sit on the other.

"W-Wait. I thought we were going to play video games."
Watching as she started the car she looked at me with a wide smirk. Turning back around she shifted the car into gear as we waited for the garage door to open. However as soon as she revved up the engine we began going back as Noodz definitely spun her tyres forwards.
"Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait!"

Within a small flash we were in somewhere new. Definitely not London, and most definitely NOT England.
We were at a traffic light with other cars but they were opposite of how i was use to seeing them. Instead of the left side we were on the right. Where were we?

"Los Angeles..."
2D mumbled out as he looked out his window.

I stated clenching my seatbelt. How in the Hell did we get to the States?
"As in California, California. Like the States California?"

"Damn these fucking portals. 'm tired of them takin' us places we don't need to be!"
Murdoc grumbled as he slumped into his seat.

"Shut up and enjoy the ride."
Noodle stated shifting gears as the light turned yellow.
"This place couldn't be more perfect."

As soon as the light turned green, Noodle floored it. Making most of the needles in the dash point either directly up or all the way to the right. I couldn't help but clench to my seatbelt like it was the end of the world. I knew Noodz drove fast but never this fast.

Screeching her tyres as she turned we were already being followed by about 5 police cars.

"Noodle. Noodle! NOODLE!"
I squealed as she turned another corner. Looking around me Murdoc seemed just as terrified, as for D and Russ they seemed to be enjoying themselves.

We ran through traffic lights, stop signs, rode over curbs. I think we nearly tipped over once or twice.
She slowed down for a bit just before speeding up again. Looking ahead i only saw road. Then no more road and a massive drop off.
"Noodle that's a cliff! Cliff! Cliff! Cliff! NO!"

I covered my head bracing myself for impact only to hear a splash.

A splash? But there was nothing but road underneath us. At least there should of been.

The car was already full of water. Holding my breath I open my eyes seeing someone grab my hand before it all went dark again.
The water was warm...like summertime warm but had a bit of a salty taste to it...like we didn't land in a lake.

I couldn't swim at all, i hardly had any experience...the on the other hand it felt like something was holding me up, like keeping me from drowning.

I called out. Everything was a blur to me. Absolutely fuzzy I couldn't see anything.
"Russel! Murdo-"

A heavy wave splashed into my face. I was panting quite heavily, I don't know what was keeping me afloat but im glad it was...however it felt strange and rough...and almost human.

Looking down into the water it almost looked like a corpse with a broken fishbowl as a head and scales on every inch of their body. I screamed, which cause whatever it was to let go of me, I began to sink more, kicking my legs franticly but nothing helped. Trying my best to claw at to the surface I was met with no luck, taking in a deep gulp of salty water I felt as it burned my lungs as harsh as fire. It was worse than smoking...at least i got a high from that.

I was drowning, could somebody, ANYBODY, HELP ME!

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