// chapter 2//

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The day went on as usual, Ater breakfast, the children took their tests. Jason scored the lowest, 102, while Yelena scored the highest, 210.She was extremely close to a perfect score. Emma had been seven when she had first earned 300 points. She wondered how long it would take Yelena

 Of course, after tonight, there was a very good chance Emma wouldn't live to See it.

Once the tests were finished, the children rushed outside. Her family had occupied the grounds with endless games of tag. Emma smiled at the memories as she watched her children from the window. Norman had been the best at tag. She never had managed to beat him. 

She wondered if Ray had ever played with them could he have beat Norman? Absent mindedly, she flipped opened her trackers. All thirty children were accounted for. After Jason's shipment, she was set to receive a new child.

 It always disgusted her that they could replace innocent lives like that. She remembered the nonchalant look on Isabella's face as she had presented them with Carol, as if she hadn't just led Connie to her death the night before. Emma frowned at the memory. 

Carol, Connie, everyone. she had failed them, But Emma would do everything she could for her new family, Griping the device in her pocket, Emma dared to take it out with all the children outside.

" I should give this back to you.It's not like I'll need it"

 "No, you keep it. Think of it as your last chance." 

 Ray had given her one last gift.

 A final chance to save at least one life before hers came to an end.The sun had begun to set just after she finished seting the table. Emma smiled to herself as her children retreated into the house. Jason was the last one in, a heartbroken look on his face. She caught him at the end of the line, leaning down to his ear. "I have laid your special clothes onto your bed"she told him. "You can change and pack your things after dinner".Jason nodded obediently, hurrying to follow his siblings. Emma soon trailed after them. Dinner went on as It normaly did. Annie was excitedly recounting their game of tag, describing how Tyler had never seen her coming. The blond puffed her chest boastfully. Yelena rolled her eyes at her sister's immaturity Tyler huffed, crossing his arms. "You only got me because I was distracted" he insisted. Annie's cheeks puffed in irritation. 





 "Be quiet" ordered Yelena, ever the leader Annie and Tyler listened immediately. Emma found it amusing that every child listened to Yelena only. Her word was second only to her own. Emma smiled. "It sounds like you all had fun" she commented. Dinner was nearly over. She stood up. "Jason, I'm afraid it's that time." Tears welled in Jason's eyes. "O-Okay"  he murmured, getting down trom his chair. Yelena sprung from her own seat and threw her arms around him. "Don't you dare forget about me"she shouted. She was blinking rapidly, trying her best to  not tear up "write me every day" Jason nodded. "I-I  will" he promised. It hurt that Emma know he wouldn't be able to keep that promise.

The goodbye was tearful, as she knew It would be. It brought back memories of her own shipment,the night she had truly lost everything. Emma led Jason by his hand, approaching the gate where she knew the demons were waiting. well, they could wait as long as they wanted. 

They weren't getting her Jason. "Jason" Emma said in low voice ,immediately grabbing his attention. She kneeled down onto the grass, holding his shoulders."I need you to do something for me." He looked up at her with big, brown eyes. "What is it, Mama?" The young woman took out the small device that her dearest Ray had given her over a decade ago. she held it close to his left ear, and pressed the button. Then, she quickly checked her tracker. Emma could have cried tears of joy as she watched one of the blinking dots disappear.

//Clipped wings// Mama Emma///Where stories live. Discover now