〰 Isabella〰

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Isabella had only lost three times in her life. 

The first being when she had finally discovered the truth about Leslie's shipment. That was the first time she remembered ever knowing true anguish.She had lamented for the following months after discovering the truth, despising herself for only realising the truth when it was too late. When her best friend was already dead and gone. The second time was when Norman and Ray had escaped from under her very nose. Isabella had foolishly underestimated them. believing that she had broken them It was only when Norman had stared her down. the flames of the house that raged around them contrasting against the ice of his eyes, that she realized she hadn't broken them. 

No, she had ignited something in her children, in Norman. the moment she dared to take Emma away. 

Something dangerous.

The quiet, polite, brilliant boy she had raised had the eyes of a killer that night. But even when she had lost her children, her precious merchandise, at least she'd had Emma. 

Her precious Emma who she had always known would thrive as a Mother Her favorite child among all the children she had raised, the only one who had a chance to live. Her plan since the redhead had begun performing perfectly on her tests was to recommend the girl as a Mother. 

Emma would be at the top of her class, outperforming everyone else. Then, she would become the Mom of Plant 3 once Isabella was promoted to Grandmother Or, if the hag was still around and there were no openings. 

she would request Emma's assistance as a Sister. That may have been even better, she could keep her daughter close as long as she wanted. And everything had been going perfectly. Emma had exceeded her expectations. her children the Pinnacle of Grace Field. 

She was even favored by Peter Ratri, something no other Mother, including herself, could have ever dreamed of. Isabella had assumed everything would continue as planned. But as it turned out, she had underestimated her daughter's tenacity. It was an odd thing, for a child you had raised to stare you down with such defiance Norman had looked at her with contempt, Ray with anger. 

But Emma? Her favored child displayed such disobedience, such opposition. And thus, her third and final loss. Perhaps it was her own fault She had forced Emma to become a Mama, after all. Her sweet girl had never been made for the life she herself had led. She shouldn't have been surprised that everything had come crashing down around her. She should have let Emma die in peace, the way she had wanted to. But Isabella was selfish, she always had been. Emma was never supposed to discover the truth about the farms.

 If not for that. it would have been so simple to convince her to become a Mother. But when she had, Isabella had panicked. 

She had begged Sarah to allow Emma to undergo Mother training despite her resistance. 

Sarah to allow Emma to undergo Mother training despite her resistance. And because Sarah had never passed up an opportunity to exploit potential, she had agreed. Now here she was, taken hostage by the children she had raised. 

Some of them looked at her with hatred, others with pity. And some simply stared at her, as if they didn't know what to make of her. Isabella knew she would die here. 

Norman and Ray hated her, the later the son she had birthed hadn't hesitated to shoot her. Just as well, considering what she had put him through as a child. And it was no secret how much Norman chenshed Emma; her rate had been sealed the day she had dared to take Emma away from him. 

Footsteps approached. Most likely Ray or Norman come to put her out of her misery. 

Or was that too merciful for her hardened, ruthless sons? 

Were they here to torture her before ending it all?

 But neither Norman nor Ray was standing in front or her. 

It was Emma.

 Isabella allowed a slow smile to spread across her race. This was reminiscent of the last time she was visited In her cell, over ten years ago. An opportunity to recover from her loss. 

She doubted this would be the same. Isabella peered at her grown-up daughter through her overgrown bangs.she had released her bun a while ago. Emma really had blossomed Into a beautiful young woman. So different from the scrawny, rambunctious child lhat used to run around playing tag. 

"Emma." she acknowledged. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

 Emma wore a dark cloak. If Isabella had to guess, she'd say that no one knew she was here. 

"Ever since my shipment, you've avoided the question"she began boldly, her green eyes as determined as the day she had broken Norman's wrist. 


 Isabella had thought she'd stomped that out of her ages ago. 

"Why did you force me to be a Mom?" Deja vu overtook her.

 'Hey Mom, why'd you give birth to me?'

 Isabella gave Emma the same smile she had given Ray all those years ago."Because, my dear child,' she answered. ''I'm a very selfish woman. If you had died. I would have been all alone."

There was no point in lying anymore.

She was finished.

 Emma deserved the truth. She deserved so much more, but this was all Isabella could give her. 

Her daughter's face fell. "Norman and Ray want to kill you" she revealed. 

Isabella had figured as much. She would have killed Sarah decades before her death if she could have. 

"Don't you?"she questioned. 

"We both know you hate me, Emma."Emma stared at her for a long time before her eyes hardened.

"I do"she admitted resolutely, her Jaw clenching.

 She turned away, stalking towards the door. Isabella grinned at her retreating figure.

Emma had hesitated. 

(Sorry this chapter is short and i will upload the next chapter within 1hour)

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