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The morning had gone off without a hitch

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The morning had gone off without a hitch. Jasper kept to himself at the front of the procession with Hadrian and Luce, nobody had bothered him, not even Chris had spoken up. Yet. At least Hadrian can keep their people in line, Luce too. Seems to me like the biggest problem out here besides Stephan is Elias. Take him out and we'll be fine to get on our way. Hopefully.

Rain pelted in heavy droplets from the sky, battering Jasper's body and soaking through his clothes. He didn't mind the rain though, it was refreshing, cleansing. A free shower. Takeo's hooves kicked up mud along the ground, clumps of uprooted grass and weeds followed. Jasper held tight onto the reins, keeping his balance on the stallion's saddle. All of the patrol members had a steed to ride on, whether it was their own or if they were sharing.

The galloping of horses and the raindrops slamming into the ground was the only thing Jasper cared to hear, in the wind and the storm, in the company of others--surrounded by nothing but the outdoors. He drew in a long, deep breath of the fresh, open air.

The moment they went through the stretch of long grasses where the lonely tree stood and crossed back over into a pathway, that feeling of isolation would be gone. He already knew he would miss it once it would leave. It's been too long, just riding out in the open, the wind and the mud and the grass. Open sky, dark clouds...Is this was Killian feels like, when he's in the woods?

Out of the corner of his eyes, Jasper watched Chris, who was riding on a mare. The young man's blonde hair looked choppier than it had the last time he'd really, truly seen him--that snowy, fateful day, with the firelight cast upon his petrified, widened eyes and Stephan pulled the trigger on his gun. Chris' right eye was now missing, a massive scar covered that half of his face, parts of his flesh were permanently shredded.

How did he live through that? In the cold? Chris would lower his head every once and a while to whisper something in the mare's ear, she responded to whatever he said. To Jasper's surprise, it didn't appear that Chris was even controlling her, she was just following the rest. That was when he realized with a sinking heart. His depth perception is fucked now, he doesn't trust himself to guide her.

Jasper swallowed hard and immediately averted his gaze when Chris moved his gaze to stare at him, the most hateful, cold snarl formed on the other man's face and it left Jasper with an overwhelming sense of dread. Oh he's definitely going to stab me in my sleep, isn't he? He thought. His hands tightened their grips in the reins and he delicately lashed them once for Takeo to speed up.

Not much communication went between the patrol while they were traveling so quickly, there didn't need to be. The instructions were clear, to follow Hadrian's lead and do as you were told. I wonder how Phoenix is doing, how Killian and Casimir are? He thought to himself idly. It had only been an hour or two since he'd left. Calm down, they're safe there. It'll be fine. You'll get Cas' T and go back, everything will be fine. 

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