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"What did you do to him?!" Jasper yelled as he attempted to wrestle away from the two Reaper's attempting to drag him out of his cell

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"What did you do to him?!" Jasper yelled as he attempted to wrestle away from the two Reaper's attempting to drag him out of his cell. "What did you do to my group mate?!" Seeing the state that Chris was in, one where the man had been mentally shut down enough to not even acknowledge Kayla right next to him in order to huddle in his corner and hug himself—it enraged him beyond belief. How could any human do that to somebody? How could they do that to him! He never deserved any of this...he never deserved any of this!

Jasper finally managed to swing a punch into one of the Reaper's jaw, which sent them to the floor. The other Reaper prepared for a fight, Michael had stood up onto his feet and was leaning forwards to help Jasper, until a gunshot rang out. Jasper ducked out of instinct, Michael did as well. With sparks, a bullet ricocheted off of the bars of the cells. Darren yelped and pushed himself up against the wall, Kayla's eyes were narrowed as she stood protectively in front of Chris, who was still cowering and whimpering. Chris was rocking back and forth and keeping his eyes closed, his ears covered with his hands and tears streaking down his cheeks.

"That'll be enough." The one high-ranking Reaper that Jasper wasn't familiar with, Paris, was a few yards away, holding a pistol in his hand. Jasper's blood ran cold when he noticed it wasn't point at him, but at Michael. "You!" He spat at the Reaper remaining, "Get up. Prisoner, follow her."

Jasper's lip curled into a snarl. Using my father to threaten me. Clever. It's almost like he knows I'm dumb enough to ignore a few bullet wounds for a while, if they don't kill me. He whipped around and followed the Reaper, who still remained nameless. She was blonde and tall. In any other situation Jasper would be scared, seeing what Chris was reduced to would be frightening for anybody. But at that moment, he was nothing but angry. How dare they? Who gave them the right to play god in such a way?

Their footsteps echoed ominously through the long, dark hallway. Whatever this place was, it resembled a bunker of some sort. It was crafted of stone bricks and concrete, with no light leaking through any cracks except for the miniscule gaps in the ceiling that shed whatever little light could get through it. Water dripped through them from the roof and landed in lonely, small puddles. The humid heat evaporated whatever rain came through. Michael's furious words became incoherent now, turning into wordless baying that was almost ghostly in this dark place.

"Where—" Jasper clenched his teeth to stop himself from yelping when the butt of Paris' pistol slammed into the back of his head.


Jasper was liking this guy less and less.

He was lead down a long corridor until taking a turn. There were several doors that he passed, he wasn't sure where any of them lead. Assortments of torches were the only thing that lit up their path, it was even darker here than by the cells. The Reaper eventually lead them down a hall so dark that Jasper had to touch the wall to make sure he didn't trip. They padded down a small flight of stairs, the air became cold and cruel, biting through his flesh and into his bones. They were now below ground level. The Reaper in front of him paused at the door and took post next to it.

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