Part 1: Smelly start

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I'm gonna fail.

I'll repeat again.

Can I still shift courses?

When did I get so dumb?

These are phrases I pondered on while I stare blankly at my opened locker door. This drawing storage tube won't pick itself up would it? But still, I'm just so tired. Can't I stay here longer? It's comfortable that my locker is placed by the corner of a wall so in here, I can hide.

I don't want to go back to class.

Can I cut classes again?

I can't take this anymore.

Suddenly, a putrid smell woke me up from my thoughts. What is that stench?

It smelled like a strong chemical mixed with the smell of a dead rat. Like both of these odors are fighting against each other and ended up melding into an even digusting combination. It's so overpowering. This severe smell made me cover my nose and make a barfing gesture.

I turned to my side and there. That's where the smell was coming from. I continually stop myself from barfing by coughing up. Oh god, what is that?

It was coming from this lunch box that this guy was placing in his locker above mine.  He says, "Excuse me." but god, I can't even look at him properly. It smells so bad.

I can feel him leaning in from my side to reach his locker above me. His feet were tiptoeing as I look down at the floor while covering my face.

Ugh. Let's just leave. What the f*ck was inside that lunch box for it to smell that awful?

I grabbed my drawing tube, hurriedly closed my locker door and turned around getting ready to walk away. But I immediately stopped for a second. Oops. I almost bumped into him. So I said, "Sorry."

I saw his feet step backwards as I look down. With the space he gave me, I avoided him and went on my way back to my class.

"Maggie!" my friend called me as I walk through our class hallways. Yes that's my name. Short for Margaret.

I stare at my friend as she calls for me. She's a really pretty girl. Skinny but full on the right areas and it shows really well on her tight fitting shirt and jeans. She has pale white skin which contrasts well with her favorite bright red lip tint that she uses on her cheeks as well. Her hair is cut at medium length and is beautifully black. She's like snow white if you'd actually think about it. But she's asian. So she has those sharp slanted eyes that looks seductive enough as she glances at you.

You'd think I have a minor crush on her with the way I described her and yes, you're kind of right. Because I befriend people that I am physically attracted to. But nope, I don't swing that way.

"Yes Kimmy?" I asked her. That's just how I call her to endear her actual name which is Kim.

"I have a new university crush. Oh gosh, he is so cute! I think you saw him already. He's just my type." she tells me as she squeals.

I'd be into this infatuation or crush ideas as well since I am at that age. However, I'm a little preoccupied with other things right now. I have a lot on my mind, which gives me less chances to even enjoy the thought of having a crush.

"Oh yeah? You already forgot about your old crush?" I asked her. I was slightly mocking her.

"What are you saying? I can always have 99 crushes and more. We can't settle for just one yet. We're just eighteen." she scoffed as if to teach me a very valuable life lesson. I laughed at her. It's kinda funny how honestly that's what girls our age should be preoccupied for fun with. I want that peace as well. I'll just watch her, my dear friend, as she enjoys her youth.

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