2.5. Painting tension

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This is the first time that I am too tired and scared to apologize to Maggie. Usually, we would reconcile immediately after a fight. We will talk about it. But I'm just really exhausted for now. However, I am making plans on how to make it up to her. Just a few more days. I'll definitely make it worth the wait.

"Would it be okay to swap shifts with you? In return, let me work on our case presentation alone. No need to send inputs, I got it." I asked my study buddy.

"Are you sure? You're taking in too much again, mr. cold as ice. Which days do you need?" she asked.

"Yes. Any day will do." I answered.

"Okay. I can offer this day but if you take that, you'd need to do a 36-hour shift straight. Are you really sure?" she emphasized.

"Yes. I'm sure." I said. I can just take short naps in the lounge. This is a sacrifice I'm willing to bear for Maggie.

"Alright. Whatever you say, Jacob. But no need to take all the paperwork on the case presentation. I can handle my parts. I don't have plans on your swapped schedule anyways." she offered.

"Thank you so much." I said.

Great. Now, I just need to focus on building up energy and making sure my health is on check. So that when I finally meet Maggie again, we could be the happiest.

For now, I'll message her so that she'll be at ease.

J.co_BDonut: Hi Maggie, I miss you. I'm sorry about last time. I hope you're not still mad? I was just really tired then. I love you. Always.

This much is fine for now. I'll focus on work and my studies again. It's not like she can get mad at me for too long. We'll always understand each other. She'll understand me.


I think this is the first time we had fought and not reconciled shortly after. Ofcourse, we would have our misunderstandings over our almost 5 years of relationship. Either one of us would always approach the other soon after to apologize. But not this time, I guess?

I think it's been three days already? Jacob's not messaging me. I don't want to message him yet too. Not because I really think that he cheated on me. When my nerves calmed down, I realized he wouldn't do that. I don't want to message him back because I'm still really stressed about my financial issues. I think it'll bring me more stress if we argue or try to reconcile with me, still being on the edge.

My bills are almost due. I still don't know which one of those I'll drop. Probably, I'll succumb to late payment interests? I dunno which ones would allow me to. Ugh. Sh*t.

I dug my face to my palm again here at a corner in the rooftop. I let out drips of tears as I go along. Stress release. Suddenly, I smelled something sweet.

It smells like. Strawberries? Bubblegum? Strawberry Bubblegum?

I looked up and I see Gogh at the other end of this rooftop ledge. He has been looking at me from a distance. He's puffing in some kind of electronic stick. Our eyes met.

"Didn't want to disturb you again like last time!" he shouted from afar and began walking towards me.

I wiped my tears as fast as I could as he approaches me. I chuckled and about to say-

"Work and stuff? F*cking stressful, right?" Gogh says before I can even say anything.

I chuckled to him interrupting me because yes, I was about to say something like that.

I just noticed as well that the smell was coming from the electronic device he was puffing like a cigarette. It smells nice.

"Is the smell of the vape fine?" he asks as he shakes the electronic device. Vape? Is that what it's called?

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