Phone calls

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Abhi will never admit his feelings openly...

But I know him, I'm his mother.

I've seen the way he looks at Akshara.

I know the look on his face yesterday when Akshara was unconscious wasn't just his concern for a patient... it was the look that he gets on his face when I'm unwell. 

He really likes her . I will make him admit it and I know just the way to do it!



"Hello, maa" Abhi says as he picks up the call.

"How's that kid, beta?" She asks with a voice full of concern. 

"He's better maa...he's under observation." 

"Did you eat anything, Abhi?" Manjari asks.

"Not yet, Maa...but don't worry, I will"

"How can I not worry Abhi? It's almost evening! You haven't eaten anything since morning. *

*Manjari is suddenly reminded of her plan*

"You know, I really think I need to get a bahu now... because only she can make you eat on time!

By the way, this reminds me... Mrs. Jha told me about her daughter yesterday. Jhanvi. She's a really nice girl and I think you should meet her once" Manjari says as she tries to hide the smile in her voice. 

"Maa! Not again, please. I've told you so many times... DON'T TALK TO ME ABOUT THIS MARRIAGE THING AGAIN!"

*Manjari holds her head as her plan backfires*

"Okay beta, but just eat something for now."

"Okay maa, bye."



*Akshara walks back to her car and tries to control her tears...but they come streaming down her face*

"Maa! Not again, please. I've told you so many times... DON'T TALK TO ME ABOUT THIS MARRIAGE THING AGAIN!" 

*Abhi's voice echoes in her ears as she finds it hard to believe that she was going to confess her love to someone who doesn't even believe in all these things...

She had almost knocked on his cabin's door when she heard him talk to his mother...*

But....but all those times when he-

The way he looked at me...

And his concern for me when I was hurt yesterday...

Oh God, help me please.

I don't know what to do.

I don't know if what I feel for Abhi is love.

I don't know if he feels anything at all for me.

But what I do know is that I do not feel anything for Nikhil.

And that I will NOT marry him.


*As Akshara was walking back into the Goenka villa, she ran into Nikhil in the garden and her phone fell down.

As Nikhil bent down and picked it up, he noticed her legs shaking*

"Akshu...I'm sorry if I made you nervous... I didn't mean to....

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