A Sweet Pain

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*Abhimanyu lay awake while watching Akshara sleep peacefully...she would twist and turn on occasion but would then settle on his arm again...

He tries to keep as much distance as was possible without waking her because he knows she had asked him to stay in a moment of vulnerability... and he does not want to make her uncomfortable in any way...

He looks at her angelic face and notices how beautiful she looks even without a tinge of makeup...

I would be lying to myself if I say I didn't yearn for such a moment where I could watch you sleep in my arms...

From the moment I heard your voice...there was something about you that pulled me towards you...

My heart knows Akshara, that I love you... I did not even realise how this happened... I have no idea...but that's the plain truth. I love you.

But I also know that you were forced to marry me...you wanted to marry Nikhil... and as much as that would have broken my heart...I would have respected your decision

*He looks at her with nothing but love in his eyes...*

I don't know how this relationship would shape up...I don't know if you'll ever love me...but I promise you I will always be here for you...

I would have protected you always Akshara...but now that you're my wife, I will move heaven and hell for you.

*He feels her grip on his tshirt getting tighter... and then he notices the wound on her hand...the one that she got on Kairav and Anisha's wedding day.

He sees a flashback of Akshara's pale body in Nikhil's arms...

Then he's reminded of her condition at the party that day... even though he has very faint memories of that night, he vaguely remembers how she kept falling down*

Something's just not right...

In the moment of stress, nobody asked Akshara how she ended up in that store room...

Nobody asked her how she got intoxicated...

There is something really wrong about all this... and for Akshara's sake...I need to find it out!



*The next morning Akshara wakes up as the sun rays hit her face...

Before she opens her eyes, Abhi's scent hits her and she immediately recalls how she had asked him to stay.

She feels really awkward fearing Abhimanyu's reaction, hoping she didn't send him a wrong signal.

When she slowly opens her eyes...she sees her hand on Abhi's chest and feels his heart beating slowly and peacefully... she also realises that her head is resting on his arm and he's lying in an uncomfortable position.

She also notices a pillow between them and sees Abhi's other hand curled up against his side.

While she feels a little guilty for troubling him all night, a slow smile spreads across her face on noticing the little things that Abhi did to make her feel comfortable...



*Abhimanyu wakes up to the most beautiful visual he could've ever imagined... 

Akshara, who is dressed up in a pink saree, is standing in front of the mirror... her wet hair falling on her face...her pink matching bangles ringing in the silence of the room.

He quietly watches as she gets ready but as soon as he moves his arm a little, a painful "Ouchhh" leaves his mouth.

Akshara turns around at the sound and watches Abhi hold the arm on which she rested her head all night and sees Abhi's face twisting in pain...

She takes out the medical kit from the box and walks up to him*

"I'm sorry...." she whispers as she sits next to him.

*She takes out the muscle relaxant spray from the kit and tends to his arm...

She notices him look at her appearance in a confused manner.*

"Uhh... last night the house help told me that there's a puja today...and we must join..." she says quietly.

"Oh...umm...then I'll get ready too" Abhi gets up to get ready for the puja.

*He notices Akshara's sad expression as she puts the spray back into the kit*

"I'm fine, Akshara...in fact, to be honest, after a long time I think I slept that well." He gives her a small smile.

"Me too" she whispers.



*As Akshara and Abhimanyu walk down the staircase together, she realises it is the first time that they'll be facing the Birlas since the wedding. 

She had seen Abhimanyu trying to talk to Manjari the other day but she did not respond to him. 

The others had blatantly ignored him, except for his cousins, who had been kind enough to support both of them.

She saw Neil smile towards them and was reminded of how he had come up to her with food and to talk in general, whenever Abhimanyu had gone to the hospital in the past few days.

Abhi and Akshara share a look before joining the others in the mandir.

Manjari begins the pooja and one by one, all the couples take turns for the aarti. Akshara and Abhimanyu are the last ones to do the aarti...

When Akshara steps forward to give the prasad to the elders, all of them refuse to even look at her.

"Manjari...please give us the prasad... we cannot accept it from this girl who has forcefully become our bahu" Harsh taunts Akshara. Abhi feels the rage rising within him. 

Harsh continues, "Listen ladki... the only reason we ever agreed to let you enter our house is because our daughter Anisha is married to Kairav and we didn't want this to affect our newly married daughter's life... Otherwise, we would have never let a cheap-"

"Enoughhhh! Not a word against my wife!" Abhi growls. "I have never expected you to respect women because I know you're not capable of it... but the next time you speak to my wife like that, I will forget that you are my mother's husband!" 

*Abhimanyu takes Akshara's hand and leads her back into their room*

Author's note: Hey guys, thankyou so much for sending me your feedback, I love how invested you all are in the story :") 

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