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Another chapter is here!
I don't think this chapter will be as long as the first one, but we'll see!

Anyway, enjoy!

Tws/Cws(?): Nothing. :)
(Please let me know if I missed anything!)

'~Halfshadow pov~'

"Let all cats that can catch their own prey, gather beneath the Tallrock for a Clan meeting!" I heard Ravenstar's yowl for a Clan meeting and shuffled out of my den quickly, there was quite a crowd gathering around him,

After all the cats have gathered around him, he spoke out; "As you all know, tonight is the full moon, meaning there is going to be a gathering; I will name the cats I'm going to bring." He continued, listing off some names that will come to the gathering, "...-Foxpaw, and of course the medicine cats, also, I'm sorry Whitestreak, but you'll be staying here." He said to the senior warrior.
He nodded in understanding, his tail twitching slightly; sparkling brown eyes revealing nothing.

All the cats started murmuring and whispering to the cats who got to go, congratulating them. Ravenstar waved his black-ish brown tail for silence, after a moment, the Clan settled down. "We'll leave at moonhigh." He announced, jumping down from the Tallrock with a grunt, and went into his litchen covered den.

All the cats started to disperse back to their dens, or some getting food from the fresh-kill pile. I went back to my den, I still had to sort out all my herbs. I sighed and got to work.

"And then chervil goes here..." I muttered to myself as I finished up sorting out all my herbs. It was getting time for the gathering, the sky getting darker as more time passes, I stepped out of my den and saw cats coming in and out of camp.

I saw Ravenstar sitting under the Tallrock, grooming and cleaning himself, "Ravenstar. It's almost time to go." He turned to look at me, his green eyes brightly sparkling. "Yes, I will announce it now, are you ready?"
I nodded.


The Clan started to move their way to the place we hold Gatherings. We made it and so far only SunClan was here. All the cats started talking to one another, I looked around for one cat in particular.

I saw Beestar making his way up to where all four leaders sat.
He began to clean himself as he sat down, Ravenstar also went up and sat down, looking out over the Clans that were already here.

After a while, both other Clans showed up. The Clan leaders began to talk and other cats listened to them as they explained so.e things that were happening.

"Ravenstar." Meowed a voice suddenly.
Ravenstar turned to look at one of the Clan leaders spoke out. "Yes, Bloodstar?" He asked the Leader of the FireClan.

Bloodstar's fur waved in the cold wind that swept past, making most cats shiver. "I want to let you know, I've sented one of your warriors near my border."

I could feel the tension rising as some cats from FireClan and our own Clan began to bristle, raising their shackles. Ravenstar waved his tail to his Clan. "No need to be defensive. But, is this warrior you claim that is mine, is they on your land?" He said, staring at him in his tinted red-ish amber eyes.

I really don't know how they did that, I really hate people looking at me for too long, you don't know it, but they're judging you, every little mistake, every little thing that's wrong with you, every single thing, good and bad, nice and wrong; that's how I see it anyway.

He held the leader's gaze for a moment, before speaking up again. "No, but just tell you warriors to not cross our border. It's not my fault if they get hurt if they do." Bloodstar said calmly, closing his eyes for a brief moment.

Dreamstrike, Bloodstar's deputy flicked his tail and growled, or did I just imagine it? Did he just sit there?
I really don't know, could be my eyes playing tricks on me...

"If that's all, this Gathering is dismissed." Meowed Antstar, the WaterClan leader, hoping down from where he sat; he was quite a new leader, after the other leader, Velvetstar died from falling down a gorge and losing a lot of blood, even if they got a medicine cat, they wouldn't have been able to save them.

All the Clans started to head home, as we walked I turned around and saw Beestar, he looked at me and stared at each other, I quickly broke the eye contact after a moment, rushing to catch up with the rest of my Clan.

We have been meeting up for almost half a moon now, we had a spot to go to and we would talk about rumors and things that were going on in our Clan. Sometimes we would playfight, he would usually let me win, one time I actually won, not him letting me win.

The game was that we would run around each other and then try to pin the other down. (It's not weird, cats do that, and if you've read the series, cats do it all the time. Please do not make it weird.)

The Clan made it back to camp and they all went to their nests, I did too. All the Clan was extremely tired after traveling from the Gathering to home, and in the dark too. I curled up in my nest and tried to fall asleep.

After tossing and turning in my moss nest, I couldn't get to sleep. I got up and went to my herb store, the only thing I could think of was poppy seeds, I knew I shouldn't take them, so I went for a walk.

Not far, just a little out of camp, there was this tree that looked easy to climb, so I climbed half-way up.
My claws unsheathed, I grabbed onto the soft brown bark of the oak tree, I could feel each and every little crack that my paws touched, I finally got up to the top of the tree and poked my head out to look out from it.

The whole thing was beautiful, how the trees covered out territory and some of the other Clans territorys, how they were spaced out so you couldn't see between them but they didn't touch or overlap, the sky was also very pretty, the stars glowing dimly in the dark black sky, Silverpelt shining the most from the cluster of stars that were in one place altogether, I could faintly hear the river near WaterClan rushing over rocks. The wind not blowing harshly and the trees barely swaying.

Tonight was a very nice night. One I just couldn't super explain, the only thing that I could feel that night was... I just felt free. Free as a bird flying in the wind with no worries, no care.
How I wish I could have a easy life, but that's the way the world works, you can't always have what you want, and that's that. You just gotta move on, and make sure not to hurt the people that you care about, or the people that care about you along the way in your journey.

Just know that you're the main character in your story, so if you're a side character in someone else's story, or not even a character at that, you're a main character in your own story, so live up to that title you've given yourself, live one, make people happy.

After I was done looking at the wilderness, I began to feel tired after all those thoughts, I safely cimbed down the tree and went back to camp, curling back up in my nest and falling asleep.

I'm sorry for not posting for so long! I just took a little break, I kinda like this chapter even though it was just a filler chapter.

I hope that little description wasn't too deep on a personal level, I was just writing that and couldn't stop myself, so I just kept it in there.

Love you platonically my little Demon Spawns!

Eat and drink something! (I haven't drank water today and it's way past afternoon.)

You don't have to touch grass, because I know I don't touch grass, bleh!

Again, I'm sorry for not posting.

Next chapter won't be a real chapter I don't think.

Your little Demon
~Author Night

W/C: 1420 (14 and 420,*le gasp*)

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