Chapter 8

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I rushed toward the noise eager to join the fight.

But when I reached the room, well, I saw there was no need.

Demons were flying around, some slashed and others thrown, in what seemed an old style bar fight.

The responsable of that was a man with a red coat and white hair, swinging around a big sword while making some sort of...parkour? Kinda.

He was making unnecessary moves, changing between the sword, a nunchaku, two guns and a shotgun.

All in the while shouting like a dumb.

To sum up: a showoff.

When he finally stopped, a demon was still standing behind him.

I think he noticed, but before he could make a move, I stabbed it myself.

Me:"You know, you could have been more productive if you didn't make half of all that...thing."

When he turned to me, I immediately lost words. Albeit the different hairstyle, he was identical to the guy who challeged me.

He seemed without words as well, until he started to shake his head disappointed.

???:"What's this now, and you call this a party? No drink or food, only one decent girl, and now a lost child?"

Me:"Excuse me?"

He waved his hand without even facing me.

???:"Sorry kiddo, but I don't do baby-sitting. How about you go back to mommy now, so I can deal with the big scary monsters?"

Me:"Sure, and leaving such a arrogant fool wandering around? No, and besides, I have a deal to keep."

An half truth, I admit it, but it was a reason to stay.

However, my answer didn't seem to satisfy him.

???:"Pheraps I wasn't clear enough."

He finally turned to me and started to get closer.

???:"You see, I'm in a middle of something here, personal business you could say, capiche?"

When he finally stood in front of me, he aimed his gun at my face.

???:"So be a good boy and obey the grown up in the room."

Useless to say I didn't like him at all.

Just so you know, I still don't like him nowdays.

Me:"Maybe it's you who doesn't understand."

I raised my sword at his neck, unfazed of the gun pressing on my forehead.

Me:"I said I got things to do here. Beside, I was invited. By someone who looks just like you."

He snickered, completely ignoring my blade.

???:"Are you now? Well, you sure have a pair, I'll give you that."

He took back his gun and turned around, giving me the shoulder.

???:"I wonder why he did that. Anyway, this is my party."

He roll jumped and tried to hit me with his sword, but I somehow blocked with mine.

I say 'somehow' because that blow was way to strong for a normal human.

Me:"Great, an other weirdo to deal with!"

I went for a punch, but with a fast roll he blocked with what seemed a judo pose, or karate, or something similar, only to hit me at the chest with the other arm.

I forced myself on the ground slamming my feet, and then went again.

Despise his excessive moves, he blocked all my attack with the sword.

I wasn't even able to make him step back.

He pushed his blade against mine until we were face to face.

???:"You have a fancy sword here, amigo, but..."

He stomped my foot and while I was distracted he punched me on the ground.

???:"'s useless if you don't know how to use it."

I rubbed my jaw as I stood up. He started to taunt me with a fake kneeling.

Me:"You're right. So enough with the sword."

I summoned my chains around me and prepared to attack as he whistled impressed.

???:"Not bad, kid. Can you also do card tricks?"

Me:"No, but let me show you another trick: how to kick asses!"

I threw my chains at him and he started to defend with the nunchaku.

While he tried to escape, I dashed to him and grabbed my shotgun. He just blocked a chain when I was right in front of him, the finger ready.

Me:"The party is over, 'amigo'!"

I shot and made a big hole in his stomach.

He tried to talk, but he just coughed blood and fell on the ground.

I tried to catch my breath. I was already sick of that tower, and that fight didn't help. I thought pheraps I could have rested a little.

But I was wrong.

???:"🎵Every party needs a pooper, that's why they invited youuu!🎵"

I tightened my hold on the shotgun while the guy was standing back as if nothing ever happened.

And the hole at his stomach was gone.

???:"Gee, you ruined my favorite coat! Now I'll have to make it fixed!"

He raised his sword towards me.

???:"And I hate when someone messes with my stuff!"

Me:"Great. Healing factor...of f***ing course...Just what are you? You and the other guy."

He swirled the sword on his hand as if it was a pen.

???:"Who knows. Sometimes I wonder myself. But enough chatting, time for Round 2!"

I held my chains, ready to transform, when the room started to shake.

Suddendly, some sort of giant centipede crashed through the rooftop and proceeded on the floor.

I tried not to fall and to evade the debris, so I didn't notice at first, but there was a hooded guy on that thing stabbing it with a knife.

After the centipede left, I looked around to see my misterious fighter, until I heard a whistle from above.

There he was, grinning like a fool.

???:"Oh, so sorry, but it seems I'll advance without you!"

Me:"Don't you dare! Come back here!"

???:"Sorry kid, but I have a reunion I can't miss at all. Ah, name's Dante by the way. Adios!"


I tried to see if I could climb above using the chains, but the floor was too unstable after the collapse.

I bitterly stared at the door on the other side of the room.

Me:"Long way it is, then."

A Ghost Rider's Journey Vol. 8:Fighting Against A Storm (DMC 3 x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now