Chapter 16

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The night Malaysia is in the bathroom looking at the bruises on her face as she brushes her teeth. Jaquavius is sleeping as she does this.

Malaysia's phone began to ring. It said Steven.

Malaysia spits her toothpaste out and answers the phone.

"Hello?", she said.

"Malaysia?", Brittney said.

Malaysia looked at her phone then put it back to her finger.

"Who is this?", asked Malaysia.

"I didn't call to introduce myself. I called to tell you that you need to keep you and Trig's interactions professional. He don't want you no more. You just a baby mama", Brittney whispered.

"Why are we whispering sweetheart?", asked Malaysia. "Does he know you're on his phone?"

"Don't play with me okay? Because I'll beat your ass", said Brittney.

"That's cute. Listen I don't want him and him don't want me. We sailed that ship and wrecked. Insecurity doesn't look good. And if you're insecure then that means you don't have him secured and if you don't have him secure than that means you're just another female he's been fucking right?", asked Malaysia.

"No, I'm his—"

"You seen my phone?", asked steven in the background. "Why do you have my shit?"

Steven took the phone.

"She called you", said Brittney.

"Who?", asked Steven before he looked at the phone and saw Malaysia's name.

Steven quickly hung up.

"We talked about this shit. We ain't together. Don't touch my phone and don't answer my calls", said Steven.

"Why she calling you?", asked Britney.

"How in the fuck am I supposed to know? I ain't answer the phone. You did", said Steven.

"Call her back", said Brittney. "Ain't nothing going on between y'all so call her back"

"Ill call her back but you don't need to be in my conversation so I'll go downstairs", said Steven.

Brittney rolled her eyes.

Steven walked out of the bathroom and went downstairs. He called Malaysia back.

"Hello?", said Malaysia.

"Hey, it's me", said Steven.

"Yea, nice to meet your...what is she to you again?", asked Malaysia.

Steven walked outside.

"Just some girl I'm messing with. Nothing serious. But what did she said to you?", asked Steven.

"Told me that I'm just a baby mama and I need to keep it that way", said Malaysia.

"Wow", said Steven.

"I mean like am I? Am I just a baby mama?", asked Malaysia.

"'re more than that. Even though you're mean as hell", said Steven.

"Steven you sure she's just a girl you're fooling around with?", asked Malaysia.

"Yea. What else would she be?", asked Steven.

"Just a question...I realized she called you Trig", said Malaysia. "What? She don't know your real name?"

"Only you can call me Steven", said Steven.

Malaysia smiled. "Whatever", she said. "But I have to go. I'm tired"

"Alright", said Steven. "Please don't get yourself me when you need me"

"What can you do when I'm miles away?", asked Malaysia. "I'll be okay. I'm a big girl"

"If you say so", said Steven. "But goodnight"

"Goodnight", said Malaysia. "...I love you"

Steven didn't expect her to say that.

"I love you too", he said.

"Maybe when this is all said and done, then if we done get King back, we can just tru this again and maybe this time I can be a better girlfriend because I've been realizing that you were a good boyfriend and husband. Better than I made you feel like. You did listen to my concerns and you tried to make me happy but I just think that I wasn't happy with myself and I'm sorry", said Malaysia.

"It's okay and yea. I'd like that", said Steven.

Malaysia smiled. "Cool", said Malaysia. "Bye"

"Bye", he said.

Malaysia hang up.

Steven looks at his phone.

Brittney comes outside and Steven looks back at her.

"Damn...what happened to just coming downstairs to walk. Real secretive that you had to come outside for a conversation", said Brittney.

"I actually thought I heard something. You and my daughter is in the house. I gotta make sure y'all good right?", asked Steven.

Brittney smiles. "I suppose", she said.

"Sierra sleep?", asked Steven.

"Yea. And thanks for letting me stay here together. Them maintenance man is waiting for the part for the air conditioning", said Brittney.

"I ain't about to let you and definitely not Sierra die of a heat stroke", said Steven.

"True", said Brittney. "Look I know she probably told you that I was the one who call her and I did. Im sorry. I got jealous"

"Come here", he said.

Brittney walked to him and Steven put his arm around her.

"Chill out alright? Stop stressing over shit that ain't there", he said.

He was talking about him and Brittney never being together but Brittney took it a different way, which is what he wanted her to do.

"I know, I know. You guys aren't interested in each other anymore. I'm sorry", said Brittney.

"It's cool", said Steven.

Brittney put her head on his shoulder and looked at the stars as Steven looked at his phone.


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