Chapter 30

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Malaysia rang Terrell's doorbell multiple times until he opened the door.

"What's going on?", he asked.

"I need you to watch King tonight please", said Malaysia. She was trembling. Terrell could tell she was crying.

"I can do that but what's going on?", he asked. "Come in"

Malaysia walked into the house.

Terrell looked her up and down. He saw blood on her knee.

"What happened?", asked Terrell. "You okay?"

Malaysia looked down at the blood spot.

"It's not my blood, it's Steven's", said Malaysia.

"What happened to him", asked Terrell.

"I kneed him in the nose", said Malaysia. "Look, just watch my son. Please"

"I said I will but I need to know what's going on?", said Terrell.

Malaysia looked down. "I'm going to put him in your room", she said before walking to Terrell's room.

Malaysia came back into the living room.

"You said I'm different and I am. I am not the same Malaysia you know and loved. I have changed and not in a good way. I don't want my son to see that side of me.", said Malaysia as she started crying. "I hate that I had to become this person but that's what I get for trying to stay in a relationship with somebody isn't any good!"

Terrell looked down.

"When you asked me to get back together with you...I said no because of my parents. They make me regret breaking up with you every time I'm around them. They made me feel like without you, I wasn't doing anything special anymore. They didn't agree with my career route, they didn't agree with anything I did except for being with you and I hated that, so I didn't wanna get back together with you but really I actually wanted to. I mean at the time I did care for Steven and he was doing right by me but...even then I knew that things wouldn't end well between him and I. But I didn't think that it would be like this. I didn't think that I'd be like this. This is the unthinkable", said Malaysia.

"You tend to be hard on yourself...what you think you have going on with yourself can not be that bad", said Terrell.

"If I wanted to, I could kill you with my bare hands..Terrell that is how much I changed", said Malaysia.

Terrell walked a few step closer to her.

" are still the same girl that I met back in the day. I don't care what you've done...what you think you've are still my Malaysia. I mean like the Malaysia I know", said Terrell. "So you need to calm down and breathe"

"Terrell I am so sorry for hurting you when I broke up with you...I just didn't want you to hurt me since things were going to be long distance...but look at me. Getting the same treatment I was running from", said Malaysia.

"...when you asked me to watch King...where were you going?", asked Terrell.

"To calm myself down...Terrell it took everything in my power not to kill him and trust me I thought of multiple ways", said Malaysia.

"What did he do?", asked Terrell.

"He has feelings for his baby mama. I mean like I knew he did but...I didn't think he was still fucking her", said Malaysia. "I thought about what if but I didn't know. He only stopped because of what she did...not because he wanted to"

Malaysia sat down.

Terrell looked at Malaysia for a moment.

"I'm sorry you had to go through the things you've went through. I don't know everything of course but it seems like a lot...and I'm here for you. I don't care what Steven has to say about it or what he wants to do, I don't care anymore. I'm here for you because you need someone.", said Terrell as he sat next to her.

"No...I don't want you to get in the middle of this", said Malaysia.

"Malaysia I didn't divorce my wife because she was trifling...I divorced her when I found out you were alive", said Terrell. "Call me crazy but I'm not over you...did I have faith that the relationship with you and Steven would last? No. So I've been waiting...patiently and respectfully."

Malaysia looked down.

"I never thought that he deserved you", said Terrell. "He still doesn't"

"I need to go", said Malaysia as she stood up.

"Go where?", asked Terrell.

"Just call me if you need me. I'll be back in the morning. He's allergic to tree nuts", said Malaysia.

"But Malaysia—"

Malaysia walked out of the house and toward her car and that's when Steven got out his car.

"You need to leave me alone", said Malaysia.

"Malaysia, I'm wrong alright. But I'm trying", said Steven.

"Do you love her?", asked Malaysia.

"What?", asked Steven.

"I asked to you love her!?", Malaysia shouted.

"No", said Steven.

"I can't tell", said Malaysia.

"...I'm a man. I'm human. I made a mistake and I gotta leave with it and I'm sorry I hurt you but Malaysia you gotta realized that—"

"I don't have to realize shit! The only thing that I need to realize is that you're a liar. I was better off with Jaquavius than your stupid ass.", said Malaysia.

Steven clenched his jaw.

" begged me. You begged me for my forgiveness and you still went behind my back and kept fucking this bitch!?", asked Malaysia as she started to punch him.

Steven grabbed her fist.

"You need to calm yo ass down", said Steven.

Malaysia jerked away from him.

"I'm done with you", said Malaysia. "I mean it this time. I'm going to get a lawyer and we're going to divorce and I am going to get my life back. My normal life"

"We aren't divorcing. We're going to work this out. We're going to talk to a therapist and see what's wrong with us", said Steven. "I need you alright?"

Malaysia shook her head and got into her car and drove off.


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