Chapter 2 - Powder!

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Rakken's POV:

Shaking myself off I head away from the river. As I walked I search the air for any of my friends scents. I mean even if I don't meet up with them we're all going to the same place. I walk to the side of a building to start scaling it. Being up high always helps with stuff like this.

Continuing across the roofs soon I find there scents. Mixed in with them is ones from other people I don't know. Powder's is faint so is one of the others I don't know. She's in trouble, I've got to get to her now. Straining my sense of smell I follow the two scents running as fast as I can and jumping as far as I can from building to building.

Got to hurry, got to hurry. The scents got very strong as I come to a building on the edge of a harbor. I then hear a pop, sounds like she use one of her contraptions. I immediately head to were I heard the sound. Looking down to the harbor I find a guy looking at the glittery remains of Powder's invention. I think she called that one Mouser. As I jump down the dude runs at Powder.

Rakken: Powder!

She throws the bag at him but he nocks it away. In the time he took to do that I closed the distance between us. Grabbing the back of his shirt I pull him to me and then throw him on to the ground. I got on top of him giving him punch after punch as my vision tints red. He tries to defend himself by putting his hands up only for me to nock them away. Throwing more punches he claws at me, trying to get any bit of exposed skin he can.

After a couple more punches he stops struggling. You were going to hurt her you deserve this. I then move my hands to his throat and squeeze. He only weakly moves his arms, not being able to do anything with them. Before I can squeeze harder I feel two arms wrap around my torso and a head lean against my back.

Powder: Stop, stop. It's okay, I'm okay. He didn't touch me, he didn't hurt me. I'm okay Puppy.

I let go of him as she rubs her head against my back. I try to turn to her and she tightens her hold on me. Even with her doing that I'm still able to put my head on her shoulder and wrap my arms around her back. She moves one of her arms to play with my hair, soothing both of us.

Rakken: Th-thank you my little Bluebird.

We sit there in slice. The unconscious body barely breathing. I rub her back softly. At least she's safe now. Closing my eyes and nuzzling into the crook of her neck. We both begin to relax, our mussels slowly releasing the built up tenchin.

Powder: Dear friend across the river
Oh how time has flown
Dear friend across the river
Do you still think of home?
We miss you oh so dearly
And hope that you are well
So come across the river
We've lots of tales to tell.

Rakken: As beautiful as always my little Bluebird.

Powder: ... The loot is gone.

Rakken: It's okay. All that matters is your safe.

Powder: I failed, I failed Vi, I failed you.

Rakken: No you didn't fail me. You didn't fail Vi, it's not your fault. She will understand... And don't worry about Mylo.

Powder: Mmm okay... Are you really sure?

Rakken: Positive, my little Bluebird.

She lets go of me pulling away. Looking me over she checks if I was injured in anyway. As she finishes examining me she wraps her arms around my neck hugging me. Hugging back I place my forehead on her's and rub them together. I start to hum the song she just sang, continuing it.

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