Spite Seadart

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Spite was a former Peaceable whose parents died in a shipwreck on an abandoned island when he was 16

Spite made do with the materials on the island and had survived pretty peacefully until he met his dragon around a year later.

The dragon, a Sandbuster, had bit his ankle when he entered her territory, and she dragged him away from it. Despite his keen survival instinct, Spite decided to make a game of this, to see how far into the territory he could go without the Sandbuster noticing.

This made him earn her trust, as the Sandbuster, Dark Razor, enjoys games. Of course they still have a rivalry friendship (Spite often says that he's not sure if Razor loves or hated him) because they wouldn't be them if it didn't exist.

Spite is rather an idiot and purposely does things he's not supposed to, including falling out of trees, falling off cliffs, and straying a bit too far into the ocean, leading him to have many scars and scratches.

To add onto how well Spite has survived, he's taken to raiding stray ships that get to close to his island, giving him a spear as his choice of weapons, as well as plenty of jewelry he takes without hesitance. "It's their fault for being so dumb" he claims. The belt he has contains pouches full of herbs and small snacks, just in case he and Dark Razor get stuck away from their home he built. (The scar on his right leg is the bite Dark Razor first gave him)

He's roughly 22 now, though he fails to keep track of his age

He's roughly 22 now, though he fails to keep track of his age

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