My dad is in the military but I am sure you don't want to know about that,you want to know how this story begins."Tag",I said."Your it"."This is boring",Louie says."Okay then lets watch TV"."Michael",Louie said."We are watching TV".I turn on the TV and the first thing that popped up was the news."20 army men have been killed in an explosion",the news reporter says."Was that your dad",Jose said."When did you get in here and no it wasn't dad".Oh if you are wondering who these people are they are my friends Louie,Michael,and Jose.Jose likes cars and tends on driving taxi's for a living,Louie is a fun dude messes with me a lot but still a good friend,Michael is very crazy as he always says"HELL YEAH",then there is me the cool short kid with a father in the army.I turned off the TV because I was mad about everyone reminding me that my father had a risk of passing away for being in the army."So what now",Louie said."Tag",i said."Hell yeah", of coarse Michael said.At about 7:00 my mom said my friends could sleep over so I started preparing everything.At 11:00 my friends and I watched the news."Marksman group The Strangers attacks military barracks",the news reporter said."The army took care of it",I said worried."We should get some sleep".If you are wondering why I watch the news is because I want to make sure that my dad isn't dead.The next day my dad came home saying that the army couldn't handle The Strangers.This surprised me because The Strangers only carried pistols around with them.The only way they must have made the army uncomfortable was probably with a classic flank.But this made me worried because they could have killed my dad.Now you guys are going to think I am crazy but what I was about to do was extremely risk full.Me and my friends were going to help the army fight The Strangers.
AcciónA young boy named Sean Ramirez has a father that works with the army.But when the army and Sean's father can't handle a criminal marksman group called The Strangers.Sean forms a kid vigilant marksman group called Unlimited to help his father in this...