meeting Mike (special)

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Ok so Mega time skip but after this we will go back on the story line but this is just after the hunters exam when killua is back home and you Gon lerio and kuripika go to save him so you're talking to Mike's janitor.

Your pov:

I watch as Gon's stubborn ass tries to climb the wall of the testing gate with his fishing poll and one hand  the kids an idiot if you ask me. Then Mike's janitor gives in saying how he'll give Gon the key and go with them thru the intruders door. Gon being well, Gon argued back and the janitor wanted us to see what we were up against so we went in through the testing gate the old man struggled getting just one set open I could easily open 3 at least. I internally rolled my eyes but no matter I was shaken out of my thoughts by the old man calling for Mike. Once Mike was in sight I looked over to my three friends who were in absolute terror then I looked over to the man who let us in and he was chillin. But once my eyes met those of the beasts they shown with awe and pure adoration I looked over to the janitor who started talking to Gon saying how Gon thought he could reason with the beast but now that he saw him he knew he had no chance." So, Gon do you want to fight him?" The man questioned Gon.

" Uh uh no I never want to fight him. I'd be to scared." Gon replied sweating bullets.

" Can I pet him?" I asked my eyes never leaving the beautiful beast before me. I could feel the gazes of the 4 men staring at me like I was insane. I turned my head to meet the gaze of the janitor. "Well. Can I???"

"I-well-you-" he stumbled on his words so I didn't wait for an answer I started slowly towards Mike my eyes glistening. I could hear incoherent words being yelled at me probably from Gon kuripika and lerio. I didn't care once I stood close enough to the magnificent beauty I could feel his breath on my body I reached out my hand my heart throbbing with excitement ive never seen a creature like him before and he was beautiful he looked so soft and loving. His head dipped into my hand his nose on my hand sniffing it and after a second he lowered his head all the way down he was laying down! I took this as a sign to pet him so I slowly crept closer. Touching the fur closest to his nose I shivered. I'd never felt anything quite this soft before, before long I was playing with the pup, baby talking him and rubbing his belly. I was treating him like a lap dog like a Yorkie but in reality he was at least 3 tons. After while I was pulled away by my wrist only to see Gon responsible. "Hey-wha-GON LET ME GO!!!" I yelled.

"Y/n I'm glad you made friends with a 3 ton purple dog but we can't stay here all day we have to go get killua.

A/n and I'm gonna stop here cuz it'll turn into an actual chapter 😅 and y'all ain't even at stage 3 yet. And to clear things up when we do get to this part... This is what happens you freak out cuz... Puppy ya'know he's just a big fluffy baby who wants some Lovins. Anyways byeeeee

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