||Chapter 1|| The Camping Trip

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Here's the deal, I didn't expect any of this to happen. I'm usually the foresight of most things so this is quite strange. I'm going to try my best to explain what exactly what she did. Let me know when you'd like for me to begin...

It all started when Y/N and a small group of 3 friends crossed into the deeper part of the wood for a camping trip during their summer vacation. Cam, Sock, and Y/N were in their second year of college, going on third year, while Daniel was already in his 4th. They were very excited to get out into the open air after a whole 8 months in school.

As soon at Y/N got her car parked they all climbed out and got their campsite set up. They were in the woods a lot deeper than where they usually went when they went camping but that was supposed to be the fun part. Usually, people didnt go past the trees with the spray paint on them. The spray paint was a marker. Nobody knows who put it there.

Once their camp was set Y/N and her friend Cam decided to make a fire pit, while Sock, and Daniel went to go collect fire wood.
"Its really quiet out here." Sock said.
"Yeah. Its nice isn't it?" Y/N responded.
Sock picked up a handful of leaves and moved them aside. "Its kinda creepy. Usually there'd be like, birds or something right? Its a little bit too quiet." They said.
"Its probably nothing. You shouldn't worry about it, Sock. Look here comes the other two." Y/N said finishing the pit. Cam and Daniel set the sticks by the fire pit and sat down on the floor.
"It looks nice you guys." Cam said.
"Yep." Daniel put a few of the stick in the middle of the pit aswell as some dry leaves and started the fire with a lighter.
"And Danny said let there be light." Sock laughed. The others though it was funny as well bit the joke only earned a feel nose laughs and a snort from Cam.
"Hey, Sock." Cam grabbed them by the hand. "Lets go for a walk."
"Ok." Sock and Cam stood up and started walking deeper into the forest, leaving Y/N alone with Daniel.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2022 ⏰

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