Chapter II

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The poor rodent didn't stand a chance. As my arrow strikes my target, I remember my almost endless hours of bow training back on earth. I had been really into hunting and bow shooting, so my new situation didn't hold me back too much. I waded through the river water and grabbed the rabbit by the scruff of it's neck. I have almost completed my task. I walk back towards the village, carrying the rabbit and my excess wood. I think to myself as I walk: What was I thinking? I cut down two whole trees just for firewood. I decide that the innkeeper would like not having to get any firewood for a while.

The lush, green forest trees spread out more and more before me. I know that I am close to the forest's edge. As I walk I hum a familiar tune, Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer. I have no idea why, it seems a little ironic. I clear the forest tree line and walk towards the village entrance, taking note of the same guard as when I left now stood in the gateway.

"You're alive?!" He exclaimed.

"Barely," I say, walking past the guard.

It must be right at noon because the village was in a busy frenzy. Shopkeepers panic as rabid customers buy their dwindling wares. I pass through the middle of the circle of shops, and enter the inn.

"Gonnovir?" I call as I step through the threshold of the doorway.

"Ah! My boy! I'm glad to see that you are quite alright." Gonnovir appeared from behind his counter. He had been preparing food. Unknowingly, I began to drool.

"Oh, you have the rabbit. Fantastic." Gonnovir pulls another plate from the cabinet above his head. "I suppose I owe you at least a meal. Along with your pay."

I smile as I hand him the rabbit.

"It's not quite done yet so go sit at the table over there." Gonnovir points at a table down the nearby hallway.

I pass the staircase on my right that leads up to the rooms of the inn and make my way down the hall. At the end of the hall, it opens up into a large room with a table right in the middle. There really isn't any decoration, but it had a simplistic beauty as the wood shines a beautiful mahogany. I sit down in a wooden chair and anxiously await the meal.

Gonnovir appeared in the hallway, carrying a large pot while balancing two plates on top of it.

"I hope you're hungry boy." Gonnovir rests the large pot in between us. "By the way," he says, "what's that thing on your back. I think it would be uncomfortable sitting like that."

"Oh that's my back-," I stop mid sentence, realizing I had my school lunch with me for this whole time. My face takes on a horrid look and Gonnovir grows concerned.

"Are you okay me boy?" He asks as he reached towards the pot to get his food.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I say as I load my plate. I can't believe my backpack came with me. In fact, I'm still wearing the same clothes that I wore back at home.

I eat ravenously, and remember that I still have an unnecessarily large load to carry.

"Gonnovir?" I say.


"I have a couple armload a of firewood if you want them. It's too much for me to carry anymore."

Gonnovir's face lit up.

"Aye! I'll take that firewood. Let me pay you for it."

Gonnovir opened his purse, handing me the payment for my work, but Nothing for the firewood.

"It seems I'm out of coin." He said sadly.

"I'll take something useful then. If you have anything." I say, not wanting to disappoint Gonnovir.

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