The City of Freedom

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"Well speaking of Mondstadt.We were just about to head back.Wanna come with us (F/N)?"

"Oh why I don't have much to do right now so sure I'll accompany you guys to Mondstat!"

"Great!Off to Mondstat we go!"


Aether,Paimon and (F/N) chatted happily together till they finally reached Mondstadt's gate."And here we are!The city of freedom!"Paimon announced."Good afternoon paimon and the Honorary Knight."said by both of the knights guarding the gate."Good afternoon Lawrence and you too Swan!"Paimon said back.Aether smiled and waved."Pay I ask who may this suspicious yet respectable traveler behind you may be?"Lawrence asked.

*What a nice way to greet a stranger*

"Oh he is a traveler we accidentally found while we were out hunting.Don't have to worry,he isn't a bad guy!"Paimon said.Both of the guards still didn't seem to trust her words."Don't worry we will keep an eye on him if he does anything suspicious!If they even try to do or even think about it,Our honorary knight here will take care of him!"Paimon said confidently."Uh- yes I will keep a close eye on him don't worry."Aether said.Trying to sound as convincing as he can make."Hmm fine,if the honorary knight is watching over him.Then I'll let him pass."Lawrence said.

"Thank you officers!"

They walked pass the guards.Passing the huge walls,(F/N) took in the site before him.Crowds of people walk along the streets of Mondstadt.Shops selling fresh fruits and flowers and more.People chatting happily with one another."Wow...this city is beautiful..."(F/N) said to himself,not knowing that he said it out loud for the other two to hear."Yeah indeed it is."Aether said back."Wait you heard that?!"(F/N) yelped.His face turned red out of embarrassment.Both Aether and paimon laughed which made (F/N) more embarrassed."Haha anyways,guys do you smell that?"Aether pointed out.(F/N) sniffed the air,the air was filled with the lovely scent of flowers with the hint of something else,"The smell of flowers?They do smell nice."(F/N) said."No no not that,I'm talking about the smell of-""STICKY HONEY ROAST!"Paimon yelled.Paimon's eyes shined,drool already dripping off from her mouth."Come on come on Paimon is hungry let's go!"Paimon quickly flow towards the source of the divine smell.Aether also being very hungry after a long days of work quickly followed behind Paimon.(F/N) only stood there,his brain not fast enough to process everything around him.

"Hey!(F/N) Come On!"Aether called out to him,looking behind he stretched his hand out towards (F/N).(F/N) paused,looking at Aether's face under the bright sun and then at his out stretched hand.

"Hm...I'm coming!"

*Guess I shouod start asking questions around the city to find what I'm looking for.I'm not wasting anymore time on finding what I came here for anymore.*

*Still thought,I gotta contact Evan soon or else he is gotta make a hissy fit thinking that I've broken his beloved
'William the VII' or whatever he calls this WalkyTalky.Well I did...but I'm not gonna tell him of course ehe~*

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