Chapter Thirtynine

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The **** Guo Haidao: "Wen Jin, with so many eyes watching, do you still want to deny it?"

Su Yuli looked at Guo Hai up and down and said, "So it's you."

Guo Hai frowned and said, "What is me? Don't change the subject. You will not only shame the Wen family, but also the Lin family by doing such shameless things on President Yu's silver wedding anniversary."

As the host, there was unpleasantness among the guests, and Mr. Yu and his wife also followed. Seeing that Su Yuli and Gao Peng were really together, and neither of them was an inch/strand, they obviously responded to Guo Hai's words, and the faces of the old couple were not very good-looking.

Su Yuli said: "I don't know/honest/shame what I do?"

Guo Hai pointed at Gao Peng, who wrapped himself in a zongzi: "We have caught you for cheating/offending in your marriage, and you still don't admit it?"

Su Yuli: "This uncle, Gao Peng and I have known each other for a long time. Seeing him in a bad mood and dirty, I came back with him to change clothes. He just accidentally fell, and I went to help him. You understand so nasty."

After a pause, he said, "You can look at the clothes he changed, which are all stained with wine."

Guo Hai sneered: "You guys are really thoughtful, you even thought of excuses."

Su Yuli rolled his eyes and didn't bother to pay attention to Guo Hai. He said to Lin Suiyan, "Suiyan, I haven't done it."

Lin Suiyan nodded: "I believe you."

Guo Haidao: "Mr. Lin, you need to have some degree of protection." He glanced at Gao Peng, "Since we are friends, why don't we wear clothes when we come out of the bathroom? Do you really think that so many of us are fools?"

Guo Hai approached Gao Peng, and when he looked up in a panic, he said, "Tell me what's going on."

Gao Peng bit his lip and looked at Su Yuli, Su Yuli said: "It's okay, you just say it straight, we are not afraid of shadows."

Gao Peng was about to speak, when Guo Hai suddenly said, "Huh?" He squinted at Gao Peng's exposed collarbone, where there was a clear red mark.

Guo Hai gave a short laugh, turned his head and said to the people behind him: "It seems that he doesn't need to speak, but the hickey is clear. It must not have fallen out, right?"

Gao Peng's expression changed slightly, and he ducked his head and lowered his head.

We all know what this reaction means.

Some female guests couldn't help covering their eyes with their hands, apparently feeling that they couldn't bear to look directly.

More people secretly glanced at Lin Suiyan, which was undoubtedly a good opportunity to gain goodwill, but Lin Suiyan never spoke, and these people couldn't figure out what he was thinking, so they had to poke in the spot and decide to wait and see. wait and see.

Su Yuli didn't seem to feel the tension and embarrassment in the air at all, he said, "Mr. Guo, how long have you had sex, and you don't even know the hickey, it's obviously..."

Before Su Yuli finished speaking, he heard a thin voice say, "We truly love each other."

Su Yuli paused, and looked at the direction of the voice with everyone behind him.

Gao Peng raised his head at some point. He faced everyone's gaze and repeated: "Xiao Jin and I are truly in love."

Su Yuli frowned: "Gao Peng, what are you talking about?"

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