Handcuffed To The Alpha

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Handcuffed To The Alpha

Chapter 4

 (Picture of Nya as Megan Fox)

Mitten's POV:

I was busy sobbing into jakes leather jacket. We were sitting at starbucks, next to the airport, and I was waiting for Nya to come pick me up.

"Its okay Misty, things will be okay." He rubbed my back while I sat in his lap. "Its not so bad, and we don't know for sure."

I tightened my grip on him. He was amazing, he had comforted me on the plane and soothed my crying, fuck he was still comforting me. I hadn't cried since my nana's funeral... Crying sucks.

"I'm sorry, I've ruined your j-j-jacket." I hiccuped, wiping at my tears.  

He kissed the top of my head.

"C'mon, there's a pharmacy somewhere around here..." He grabbed my hand and we walked down the long, wide and crowded path.

2 hours later and we are lost.  

"I thought you said you know where we are?" I questioned, getting annoyed. We had bought a pregnency test but couldn't find our way back to the airport.

"Well...I thought I did..." He murmered scratching his head.

I laughed at his confused expression. He smiled at me and I returned the grin.

"Your happy." He said, sliding his arm around my waist and kissing the top of my head.

"Thank you captain obvious." I stood on my tip-toes and pressed my lips against his. I sighed and continued to walk along with him.

My phone started to ring and I picked it up. "Yellow?" I greeted down my blackberry.

"Purple," I heard Nya laugh. "Where are you? I've been waiting at Starbucks for fifteen minutes now!" She sighed

"Ugh, Mr. Stupid here made us lost!" I groaned.

"Hey I didn't MAKE us lost, its not like I chose for us to be-" I shushed him with my finger against his lips and he frowned, biting my finger. I grinned at him and told Lya where we were and she found us a couple of minutes later.

"Nyaaa!" I squealed, wrapping my arms around her and kissing her cheek repeatedly.

"Mittens!" She giggled and hugged back. "What the fuck have you done with your hair!? Is your wolf blue too?"

I sighed, "No, it doesn't work like that."

"Jake?" Nya said suprising me, as she hugged him.

"Ah, hello sugar lumps, its good to see you again." He said patting her gently.

"Still quite the chamer I see." She laughed. He winked at her.

"Wait, how the hell do you guys know eachother?" I asked, scared of the answer.

"What? Oh! This is our Alpha's brother." She smiled. "I still can't believe your here! This is so cool! I hope you two hit it off!" She smiled, smacking my bottom.

Oh god... What have I gotten myself into?

When we got to the car, I shoved my suitcase into the trunk of her mercedes. I sat in the back seat with my plastic bag with the test inside it, on my lap. Jake sat next to me.

"So what's in the bag?" Nya asked.

"RED" I blurted out.


"I think we should...um, have red bridesmaid dresses!" I rushed.

"Really? I don't know, its a yellow themed wedding..." She sighed.

"Oh. Yea, yellow sounds cool." I sighed. Jake grabbed my hand a squeezed it gently. Lya saw in her mirror and winked at me.

The car journey was filled with questions and answers about the last three years. Nya met Lenox on her 16th birthday, I was so happy for her, but distrought when she had to leave to go to Australia, the only reason Lenox came to England was because he knew his mate would be there for him. And that was when I truly pittied myself, my mate was either dead or didn't want me. I was lucky to have Jake here with me. And even though we haven't known eachother long, I really do like him and depend on him.

When we got to the large house, I hugged Lenox and so did Jake. I don't know Lenox a lot, but I'm sure he's a great guy. Well, he better be if he's with Nya.

They made a great couple; Lya was a little taller than average and Lenox was about a head taller then her. She had long, wavy dark hair and the most perfect blue eyes. He had short, blonde hair and stunning green eyes.

I smiled at them and then smiled at Jake. Suddenly I felt nauseas. I groaned a little and knelt onto the floor. My clothes felt heavy and bothered me. I felt hot and my body started to tremble.

Jake swooped and picked me up. I clung to his neck like a koala.

"Ahhm... Mittens is feeling a little sick and jet lag, can I take her to the guest room?" Jake asked.

Nya had a worried face on but nodded. "You know where it is." She said to Jake. "Are you sure your okay? Do you need anything?" She spoke to me.

I forced myself to speak. "I'm fine, I don't need anything, I have Jake."

Nya nodded. And with that Jake bounded up the glass, twisting stairs, making me feel even more queasy. I groaned, tightening my hold on jake.

Once we got to the guest room, Jake took me to my private loo and craddled me to him, whispering comforting words while my cramped stomache ached.

Then, a wave of nausea hit me once again, this time a lot stronger. I got up from his lap and waddled to the toilet, dipped my head and threw up.

I heaved, and I felt hands hold my long hair out of harms way. When I knew I had finnished vomiting, I sent jake to get me some mouthwash. While he was gone, I took out the pregnency test that I had been craddling to myself. I didn't even need it, I had my answer, but I just wanted proof, to convince everyone... To convince myself.

I did my business and waited 5 minutes. By that time Jake was back and saw me on the floor staring at the test. Positive.

I woke up to voices I heard in my room, I had fallen asleep with Jakes arms wrapped around me. I had cried, not because I didn't want my baby, but because I was scared.

I glanced at the window and saw it was pitch black outside. I sighed and wrapped my arms around myself, I listened to the voices.

"No, no, she's okay...."  

"She's not! Look at her!" 

"Look...she needs to tell you herself, okay?" 


"Okay, goodnight." 

I heard the door close and then the bed dip.

"Mittens?" I heard Jake whisper. I tried to pretend I was asleep and didn't answer. "Its going to be okay you know? We'll all be okay..." He rubbed my stomache gently.

I felt my heart warm at his words. He truly is amazing. He said just what I needed to hear. I turned and faced him and kissed his lips gently. He moulded our bodies together and I really felt as though we became one.


(A/N ta-dah! :3 your welcome!... So, it takes me hours to write these and it only takes you guys a couple of seconds to vote-comment-fan. For me? ;D)

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