Handcuffed To The Alpha

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Handcuffed To The Alpha

Chapter 13

Nya's POV:

I knew that if I didn't control my body I might either fall victim to darkness or loose control. I took my eyes away from him laughing ones and looked to the side at the wall.

"Get that filth away from me." I said in a low, trembling voice. My hands turned into fists and I tried to stop shaking but I couldn't.

"Excuse me?! Don't call him filth in my house!" Lenox's father, Max, shouted at my.

I turned my head towards him, my face blank. "That is no human, that is a disgusting piece of SHIT!" I started off well but ended up screaming.

"Get the hell out of my house, you are not welcome here." Max looked at me disappointed with my actions.

I turned towards Lenox who looked angry at his father but looked confused as well. "Why are you being like this Nya?"

I scoffed but my cries got caught up and I started to cough and knelt onto the floor. Everything that seemed so cool and so at ease, evaporated. And all the horrible, sickening feelings erupted. Cold, loud cries echoed through-out the house.

I put my head in my hands and Lenox whimpered at my side, trying to comfort me.

Finally, I turned toward 'him' and shook my head. "No, no, no. Oh god, help me." I cried.

"Baby, please tell me what's wrong." Lenox tightened his hold on me, looking at me with a pained expression.

"Oh Lenox," I cried. This would hurt him and break him, but I have to tell him, I could never keep anything away from him. "Its him."


Mitten's POV:

"Here we are." I said as I opened the door. Puppet looked up at me anxiously, then slid her hand from mine and walked into the house slowly.

She looked at me again but I smiled and nodded my head, assuring her to go on.

She took a couple of wobbly steps in and reached her hand out to touch a chair. She trailed her hand across the chair and onto the table. She was soon skipping around, her hand still brushing against the furniture.

I looked at Jake and he had a goofy grin on his face as he watched her. I put my hand into his, smiling when he looked at me.

I knew what he was thinking about because I was thinking about the exact same thing. Our child.

I softly put my hand on my stomach and looked over to where Puppet was now running around happily, exploring the room.

She looked at me and gave me a toothy grin. I pulled on jakes hand and we both went to her.

"Would you like something to eat?" I asked her.

She suddenly stopped what she was doing and looked at me with wide eyes. "Y-yhes p-pleath." She said, an obvious 'yes please'.

I smiled at her and took her hand in mine. She looked at me and smiled, no longer worried about me hurting her. Jake took her hand but she whipped it out of his hold, shaking her head. Jake frowned but I laughed, and stuck my tongue out at him.

We walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge. I heard Puppet gasp and loosen her grip on my hand. "You can have anything you want, okay?" I said to her.

She started to jump up and down, then she suddenly screamed. My head snapped to Jake and his to me. We both started to laugh.

He walked over to me and said, "kids are weird," I grinned and nodded my head.

Puppet had taken out so many things I couldn't count. She stashed things into her pocket and held her dress in a kind of parachute way and put the rest of the food in.

She ran around to the living room and sat onto the sofa, dropping a couple of things on the way. Jake picked them up and handed them to her. She looked at him, suspicious, but took the food none-the-less.

She had yogurt, cheese, ham, a cucumber stick, tomatoes and cream. I laughed silently as she looked at the food, then at us and then at the food.

"I'll make you a sandwich and get you a spoon, okay?" Jake said reaching out for the food. She whimpered and hid the food behind her thin arms. "Don't worry, I'll bring it right back, okay?"

She looked at me for reassurance and I just nodded my head. She looked at Jake but then shook her little head. "No, me." She said with confidence.

She slid off the sofa and she started to pick the food up. She handed me most of the items and a couple to Jake. She took my hand and lead me to the kitchen. "I help" she said, crossing her arms and glaring at Jake.

I giggled and put the food on the island in the middle of the kitchen. I went to the bread bin and took out some 50/50. Jake grabbed some butter and a knife and we both went to make the sandwich.

Suddenly, Puppet was screaming and scrambling to my side. She wrapped her arms around my leg and hid her face. I looked at Jake confused and he looked shocked.

I picked her up gently and sat her on my hip, her face on my shoulder. "Puppet, what's the matter?" I asked.

She had quietened down and was just sniffling. She pulled her face up and pointed at Jake.

"Ah, what did I do now?!" He asked annoyed.

She pointed to his hand and I saw the knife. I sighed, knowing.

"Puppet, Jake isn't going to hurt you; you don't need to be afraid." I said, stroking her hair away from her face. I walked to a counter and got a tissue. I wiped her face and picked her up again.

"Look, Jake is nice, see?" I told her, walking up to a now very anxious Jake. He bit his lip and I put her in his arms.

"I'm sorry Puppet." He whispered. Puppet whined to get out of Jakes hold as he held her awkwardly.

She stretched her arms and was almost in tears, till finally I picked her up. I set her onto a chair and frowned. "Wait here and me and Jake will make your sandwich." I told her.

I walked to Jake and put a hand on his arm, knowing what he was thinking.

"Mittens, what if I'm a shit dad?" He asked, his voice weak.

"Jake, you will be an amazing father. Puppet is scarred and abused, that's different. You will be a great dad, nothing less." I told him, gently placing my lips on his.

"Hey!" I heard Puppet shout from the table. I glanced towards her and saw she was frowning. After a minute of silence, I just went back to making her a sandwich.

When we were done, we put the food in front of her and she eyed it up. She grabbed it and took a mouthful. When she swallowed, she laughed for the first time, looking at us.

I felt so happy. I don't know why, but her laughter was like a virus.

I hope this girl will be a part of my life for a long time. I hope.


(A/N So I have the flu, but i

Still updated! Anyways,

This book will just be a draft; its not

All edited. I know I haven't done a

Lot on Nya, but the next chapter I

Will do a bit more. But keep in mind

This story is about Mittens, not

Everyone else. Anyway... Your welcome.

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