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Seungmin leaned against the wall and threw all the petals , which were trying to get out.

Everything hurts and sucks.

"Seungmin?" He heard Hyunjin in the distance.

The younger boy prayed that Hyunjin will pass him and not look at the flowers.

He closed his eyes and heard Hyunjin's footsteps coming closer and closer to him.

"What are you doing?" Asked Hyunjin. Seungmin's heart hurts as he saw his beloved next to him , not knowing if it's from the torns tearing his heart or his feelings.

"Nothing." Said emotionless Seungmin as he was trying to ignore Hyunjin's gaze.

"I see the petals. That isn't nothing!" Cried Hyunjin. He was angered and confused at the same time.

"It's nothing Hyunjin. It doesn't matter to you."

He stopped caring , didn't he?

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