Chapter Seven

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I spun and headed for . . . they were everywhere. Dean leaped at the big leader and Jace sprang at the group coming in through the back door.

"Upstairs." Scout yelled, shoving me.

"No. That's a horrible idea. I'll be trapped." In every horror movie running up instead of out, was always a death sentence. Everyone knew that.

"We'll guard the stairs." He motioned toward Liam and Adrian. "Jump out the window and run." He pushed me again and I stumbled up the first couple steps.

"Jump out the window?" My eyes widened. "I'll never make that drop."

"Go, Avery, now," he ordered with one more forceful shove, before he turned around to face way too many full grown werewolves for my unshifted little brother to face.

One jumped at him, but he swung and hit him with a right hook to the jaw and the werewolf flew back. I stared a second, shocked by Scout's force. His eyes swung to mine, and he smirked. "I said go."

"You better make it out of here alive," I said, sprinting up the stairs.

"You too," he called after me.

Running into my room, I shut the door and raced over to my window. Tossing back the curtains I yanked up the window and stared down. And down. My stomach churned as I imagined the easy pickings I'd be laying there with two broken legs. Or a broken back. Or unconscious.

A bunch of howling, came from downstairs, followed by the sound of a window shattering and heavy footsteps charging up the stairs. I scrambled up onto the window ledge. I'd just swung my legs over when my bedroom door burst open.

"You'll never make that. Climb back in. Now," ordered the unwelcome pack's Alpha edging into my bedroom.

"I bet I can make it." But I didn't really.

"You'd really kill yourself, then come with me?" He arched a dark eyebrow. "I came here to rescue you. You can't really want to stay with Logan Kain. He's a tyrant."

I thought of the way Logan treated me. And June. His pack. Mine. And realized he let others think he was an asshole if it kept the people he loved safe.

"He thinks I'm awesome."

"You are awesome." The werewolf grinned. "You're the female."

I sighed. Yes. Quite the novelty. Why couldn't everyone just leave me alone? "What's your name?"


"Well, Morgan, next you come to my house—knock." I jumped out the window. I hit the ground, rolled, sprang to my feet, and started running. It was extremely athletic of me and felt—instinctual. Something inside me, stirred. I smiled at the feeling as I sprinted into the tree line. The things I never knew I was capable of were amazing.

Morgan started yelling out my bedroom window after me, but his commands were lost on the wind.

I sprinted through the trees, in my bare feet wishing I'd thought to slip on shoes, or at least socks. The twigs and rocks slowed me down, slicing into my feet making my getaway slow and painful.

A wolf leaped at me from my right. I managed to dodge him at the last second. I stumbled, and he snapped at me, but missed. I pivoted directions and kept sprinting. My scent was probably calling them to me like a beacon.

I headed deeper into the trees moving toward the stream. It was risky that more wolves might be there getting a drink, or hunting, but I needed the water to mask my scent trail.

I slowed to a quick trot, listening for any sounds. I continued creeping closer, searching the area and making sure it was clear. When I didn't see anyone, I waded straight into the water.

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