Chapter Four

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"She'll stay in Christian's cabin until it passes."

I felt awkward sitting in my underwear listening to Jonathan. At one point in my life, being half-naked in front of my father, brother, seven werewolves, and one human, would have been embarrassing. Not anymore. Nakedness was a natural state for werewolves and having to see them all naked daily, had stripped me of my self-consciousness. So being in my skivvies wasn't my problem. No. It was the fact everyone stared at me. Their bodies rigid. Panting. Eyes narrowed in focus. And I had too many clothes on. Way too many. Part of my brain told me I should be disturbed by that thought, but I couldn't help the bombardment of images that were cruising through my mind. Totally x-rated.

Closing my eyes, I pressed my fists into them, willing the thoughts away. I now knew what a one-track mind meant. Opening my eyes, I looked at Jonathan. At least he was normal. Thank goodness that my werewolf voodoo didn't affect family members. Scout seemed unfazed by my enhanced stink too. He sat on the ground beside my recliner smiling up at me with an amused smirk. Christian too, seemed unaffected as he stood leaning against the wall, appearing more fascinated in the others' reaction to me. Good, at least I wouldn't have random humans trying to hump me.

Without a sound, Dean shot up off the couch and straight toward me. I didn't move. I knew I should, it wasn't fair to any of us that we sat here feeling this way, but I didn't. Instead, I smiled, secretly hoping he'd take me.

Logan stepped in front of me, grabbed him and threw him to the ground. Dean laid sprawled out in front of me.

Whoa. Logan was not a werewolf you wanted to mess with. He took Dean out as if there was nothing to it, and Dean was fierce in his own right.

I stared at Logan's broad back. The muscles twitching slightly in anticipation of Dean's next move. A low warning growl rumbled from deep within his chest. Dean ignored the threat and jumped up, coming at me, but Logan grabbed his throat and laid him out again. Kneeling on his chest, Logan pinned him down.

"Stay away from her. She's mine." Logan's voice didn't sound right. It had taken on a menacing animalistic tone. Hot. Scary, but hot. Squeezing my thighs together, I closed my eyes and started counting to ten. One. Two. Three . . .

"Time for you to leave, Logan," Jonathan ordered.

"No." I jumped to my feet. I knew it was selfish of me to want him to stay. This situation was probably really hard for him. It was practically unbearable for me.

Logan released Dean and stood, moving to stand in front of Jonathan. "If I leave, I'm taking her with me. She is mine after all."

Jonathan stood, but Logan didn't back away to give him room. Their noses practically touched. "Do not threaten me, Logan." Jonathan growled.

"It's not a threat. That mark on her neck makes her mine. I allow her to stay with you. Don't forget that, Grier."

Jonathan and Logan glared at each other, power rippled and crackled in the air. Ugh. The last thing I needed was Logan fighting my pack. Jonathan hated Logan, and only a thinly veiled truce kept him from acting on it. If Logan attacked, they'd both throw that truce out the window. Considering Logan gave me this territory, he'd probably force my pack to leave Colorado.

"Stop." I stood, raising my hands. Logan and Jonathan didn't move from their stare down. "Please don't fight. Logan, if you can't handle being near me, then maybe you should go, at least until it passes. I'll live with Christian away from the others."

Without looking away from Jonathan, Logan answered, "Not happening. I'm staying with you. No one else comes near you. Not your pack or your human spy. You're not leaving my sight."

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