100 Random Things About Me

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Hey Infinitatious Epicnesses! I found this on someone's profile on ffn and decided to do it. Anyone who reads this is nominated to answer these same questions!

100 Random Things About Me 

1. Age? 15

2. Height? I honestly don't know

3. Eyes? Green

4. Have any tattoos? Unfortunately not. YET.

5. And piercings? Yeah; just ear piercings

6. Fave food? TACOS!

7. Fave pizza topping? Chicken. Or sausage. Or any type of meat.

8. Fave drink? TEA!

9. Siblings? Unfortunately not

10. Been in a fight? Numerous ones. Only one of which I started.

11. Serious relationships or one-night stands? Serious

12. Weight? Well I haven't checked in three years so...Yeah, no clue.

13. Fave snack? Strawberries.

14. Fave candy? Honeycomb!

15. Fave movie? Any Disney except for Frozen and every Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings

16. Fave show? Yu-Gi-Oh!

17. Do you smoke? Nope

18. Blonds or brunettes?Brunettes

19. Any scars? One on my arm


21. Fave actor? Orlando Bloom

22. Where do you live? Camp Half-Blood

23. Do you miss anyone right now? My parents

24. Last person who made you cry? My ex

25. Do you enjoy school? Nope, the people there annoy me like hell.

26. Desires? To be a teacher

27. Fave fast food joint? Don't have one

28. What's the last thing you drank? Lemonade

29. What are you doing right now? Writing this in class

30. Where would you like to go? Tokyo, Japan.

31. Are you in a relationship? No

32. Ever been arrested? ... I plead the fifth amendment in the fear that I may incriminate myself

33. Ever had a stalker? I don't think so

34. Ever gone sky-diving? Not yet!

35. Where do you think you'll go when you die? Hopefully reincarnation!

36. Is there a God? I guess. I don't really know; I don't think we're able to prove whether or not he exists.

37. Do you have a cell phone? Yep

38. Are you squeamish? When it comes to bugs, yes

39. Are you a human? Nope; demi-god

40. Fastest speed you've ever experienced in a car? Hmm... probably...160 miles?

41. Stupidest thing you've ever thought about doing? Running away from home.

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