🌹Chapter 4 : Who I Am?🌹

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Y/N Diary POV: 🦋
➣My biggest weakness is that I find it hard to trust people. I don't know if it is a gift or not, but my first instinct about a person is always right. People tend to mask their true intentions from me, but somehow I just see through it all. My aunt who is a psychiatrist once told me that I have high emotional quotient (EQ). It is easier for me to know what a person is going through from their emotions. For instance, a person does not need to tell me that s/he is going through some tough time. I'll just feel it when they are around me.

➣ So, if their actions do not correspond with the emotions I'm getting from them, I will know they are dishonest. My biggest fear is not achieving whatever I want to accomplish in life. Apart from travelling the world, I want to start a humanitarian organization that will help children in third world nations. Another phobia of mine is heights or Acrophobia. When I'm on high ground, I just panic looking down. That's why I will never be caught dead on any amusement rides. My other phobia is Afraid of losing someone you love the most on your. I still remember during my birthday back in 2012 I was just 14 years old but tragedy happend. My grandpa called me that he said, my biological dad pass way due to the earthquake and thousand of people were dead meanwhile 180 people were safe.it's was traumatized for me to overcome it. What I dislike the most in life is dishonest people.

➣ With dishonest people, you can never know what they are planning for you. Dealing with hypocrites is very difficult, because they trick you into letting your guard down and you become very vulnerable. They will attack when you are down or when you least expect it. The worst thing is that we are always surrounded by them. I'd rather come face to face with a killer, than be stabbed in the back by a pretender. I also dislike uncleanliness, both physically and spiritually. People should keep themselves and their immediate surroundings clean. If a person cannot keep his/her body clean, how is he/her going to keep his/her spirit clean? The body is the temple of God and God cannot live in a dirty environment. Answering the question "who am I" is quite complex, because our lives are very wide that there are areas in our lives we have no knowledge of. Sometimes, we do not see ourselves the way others see us. For instance, we may think we are confident, whereas the people around us feel that we are too proud and arrogant.

➣ Answering the question "who am I" is quite complex, because our lives are very wide that there are areas in our lives we have no knowledge of. Sometimes, we do not see ourselves the way others see us. For instance, we may think we are confident, whereas the people around us feel that we are too proud and arrogant. Furthermore, our behaviors, interests and other things that define us may change after a while.

To be End🌹

🌹[放浪の王女]  ~"Who I Am?  "🌹Where stories live. Discover now