Hunting Diana Part 1

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Chapter 1

I ran from him always staying a few feet in front. I know that he is letting me win. Giggling, I turn and throw a small fireball at him. He shifts to the side and throws his hand out blowing it off to the left. He stops and his face turns to mock hurt. “Were you really going to hit me with a fire ball?”

“Oh, come on. It was small and you know it. We need practice remember,” I say and my amusement wanes. Being able to understand my emotions so well, Aaron steps closer to me with a sneaky smile. My eyes widen and I take a couple steps back, “No, please don’t.”

His advance doesn’t stop though as his smile becomes larger. I turn and run, but only take five steps before he snatches me up. Throwing me over his shoulder, he walks towards the doors to the small cabin we are staying in.

“Put me down,” I say while wiggling. I punch his back with as much force as I can. Nothing happens except for a tiny grunt escaping his lips. Smirking, I kick at him expecting this to actually work, but no he grips my legs together and pushes them closer to his body.

He slaps my butt and a squeak sounds from me. Chuckling, he says, “Now, honey. Will you stop wiggling around? Not that your cute little butt in my face isn’t welcome. I just don’t want to lose my grip.”

Amusement is clear in his voice causing me to grind my teeth as he nudges the door open with his foot. It took a lot of convincing Wyatt to let us take this little vacation, but with all the work we have been putting in with training, he knew that we needed a break. I hear voices coming from the living room and know that it is Clay and Blayze seeing as they are the only other people who went on this little trip with us.

A wolf whistle echoes through the room. “What did you catch this time, Aaron? If I can say so myself I like the view.”

The sound of a hand contacting skin and an ‘ouch’ causes me to begin laughing while Aaron mumbles something about killing a boy who has an unhealthy obsession with earth.

“Babe, you know I was kidding. I mean look at Ivy then look at you. Do you honestly think I would pick her over you?”

“Hey!” I call out in mock offense.

“Shh, Ivy. You know I have to say things like that. She is my girlfriend. I can’t just go around telling her how hot other girls are.”

Another slap resonates, and I start to get dizzy from being held upside down so long. “Aaron. Please let me down now.”

He finally snaps out of whatever world he was in. “Not going to happen,” he says as he proceeds to walk towards Blayze’s and my bedroom. He opens the door and tosses me across the room. Right before I am about to crash into the bed, my body stops then descends until I feel the soft feathery comforter surround me.

The wood floor squeaks, as he gets closer to the bed. I tense up waiting for the assault that I know is about to happen. He jumps and pins me to the bed; hovering over me, he brings his hands down.

“S-stop. Please stop. I’m s-sorry,” I say between laughs as he tickles me.

He doesn’t relent though and keeps it going until I start to make the temperature in the room heat up. Pouting, he looks at me. “That’s not fair. I was just playing.”

I peck him on the lips. “I know, but this is our last day. I’m so excited to be home, and I want to stay here forever at the same time. I wish we could just pack the kids up and bring them here.”

His eyes widen. “You sound like there our kids, take back the last sentence or revise it or something.”

“You don’t want kids?” I ask hurt. Okay, I definitely don’t want kids right now. I’m thinking when I’m in my twenties would be a good time, but if he doesn’t eventually want children, we have ourselves a problem.

“No,” he sees my expression and tries again. “I don’t want them right now. Maybe later when we are much older. Yeah, that sounds good when you’re like forty we can have a kid.”

My mouth opens in shock. “I’m not waiting until I’m forty! That’s crazy Aaron. Of course I don’t want them now, I was thinking in like ten years.”

I can see him think about it; his eyes flash with something that looks remotely like jealousy. “Not going to happen.”

“Why not? Huh, why can’t we have children later on down the road?” I am beginning to get angry and can feel my temperature rising.

He mumbles something to fast and quiet for me to understand then looks up as if expecting me to comment back. I just stare at him, until he breaks and talks in a quiet whisper, “I don’t want to share.”

I can’t help it, I start laughing in his face. I mean come on, he doesn’t want to share? That’s his excuse? His face tightens and I can tell he is miffed that I am laughing at his reason. “I’m serious, Ivy. I’ve waited for years to finally have you, and I honestly don’t think that in ten years I’m going to be ready to share you with someone else. I love you.”

I smile at his words; I might be a total sap, but that happened to be one of the sweetest things Aaron has ever said to me. “I know, Aaron. I love you too.”

His eyes brighten and a delighted smile covers his face. “You do? You really love me?” I nod at him confused. “Say it again,” he requests.

“I love you.”

If it is possible, it seems like his smile widens. “Say my name with it this time.”

He looks so happy that I don’t even try knocking him out of his ego trip. “I love you, Aaron.”

His eyes close and he sighs. “That’s so good to hear.”

“You already knew I love you.”

“Yeah, but you have never said it.” I open my mouth to talk back, but he doesn’t let me. “Name one time you have actually said the words, I love you to me.”

I close my mouth and think back. Eyes widening in realization, I really have never told him that I love him? It’s been a month since everything happened and I still never told him that I love him? It isn’t as if I didn’t know I love him. I have for a while now; I guess I never really got around to saying it aloud.

Seeing my expressions, Aaron sends me a smug smile. “See, I’m right. You’ve never said it and you know it.”

I raise my hand to punch him, but he deflects it. Leaning in, he goes to kiss me. My heart starts beating wildly as they get closer. A loud sound on the door interrupts us; Aaron lets out a frustrated groan and walks to the door. He flings it open and his angry expression turns sheepish as he realizes who is at the door.

“What are you and my sister doing in a room alone with the door locked?”

“The door wasn’t locked!” I scream with triumph, but it soon fades when Aaron turns to me with the same sheepish expression. Frightened, I turn and take notice of Wyatt’s stormy expression. “Nothing happened!”

He keeps a serious face before laughing. “I know, Ivy. We’re just messing with you.”

That’s when I realize that Aaron is laughing along with him. “You planned this whole thing? I thought they weren’t coming until tonight,” I huff and scurry out of the room to hide my embarrassment.

As soon as I clear the doorway, shouts rain out from the people waiting in the living room. I look around and see my family standing there. Cynthia, Aidan, and Arlan all take off towards me with their arms spread open. They are about to make contact with me, when they stop and drop to the floor while withering in pain.

“My mommy!” I look up and Eli runs towards me with a large smile. I look down at the bodies on the ground before I scoop him up.

“Let them up first,” I command.

He pouts reminding me of Aaron earlier and lets them up. He reaches his little arms up. Picking him up, I crush him in a large hug. “I miss you so much, baby.”

Snuggling into my arms, he pushes off everyone else’s hugs. He sends them a glare that means business and they all back off. “My mommy,” he whispers.

I let out a quiet chuckle. It is good to have them back.

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